Doe you enjoy your listening to music and your system more with others or alone?

It’s no doubt that us as Audiophiles spend a lot of time listening to music by ourselves. It’s just the way
it’s, a hobby most others don’t understand. So do we prefer to listen by ourselves or is it more enjoyable 
with others? For myself, I generally enjoy listening by myself. Usually when another Audiophile friend is over listening it becomes more about the sound ( system ) than the music. Also, they only want to hear
music that brings out the best in the system and for myself let’s just listen to what’s playing. 
Non-Audiophiles tend to get bored easily if they don’t like the music, and can be even more picky about
what music you play for them. Non-Audiophiles put no value in the sound. They only want to hear their favorite music and that can be even more frustrating. At least acknowledge it ( sound ) even if you can’t hear the difference.
For myself it’s more enjoyable alone, but that doesn’t mean all the time, or does it?

Mostly alone for total enjoyment and ownership of the sweet spot (recliner). My husband may mosey in and request something every now and then. I share certain songs with my kids sometimes. But when the family gathered (pre-COVID era), I 'd usually have music playing softly in the back ground. But eventually the TV would take precedence and that was the end of that.
Alone, my wife doesn’t like jazz, or my 80’s-90’s rock either. I actually am using my B&W headphones more lately, since we are cooped together because of the Chinese virus😞. Miss my speakers, but headphones keeps the peace in the home at the moment. 
Listening alone allows for complete control over everything. For myself I’m almost relieved when other people have left. It’s not as enjoyable when others are around,
almost irritating in a way. Too many distractions or annoying requests: you should move you speakers a little or your sound stage is off. Especially Audiophiles, some of the comments want make me tell them where they can go.