Pioneer Direct Drives - Now and then?

I'm toying with the idea of getting into vinyl in the near future, and saw a recent model Pioneer recommended as a poor-man's Technics.  Also saw some very pretty vintage units for sale here and there.

I'm wondering if anyone has direct experience with them who could offer suggestions?
You said pretty vintage units. are you limited to Pioneer, or looking at JVC or Denon?

this fully auto JVC looks very nice, I don’t know anything other than that it also fits your budget.

quite a few QL-Y5's around (QL is quartz lock, I prefer that)

btw, IF 100v unit (some are 120v), you will need a small 100/120 transformer. No need for an expensive one.
Erik like others I'm just surprised you are going into analog considering some deep (and good posts) you have about digital and audio in general. Good call I think, on the same path myself, already waiting for TT, cartridge and vinyl to see if it really can perform better than a good digital rig
I’m just surprised you are going into analog


What is a hobby if you can’t experiment and play with things?  Besides, it's not as if I have been anti-analog, but digital is just sooooooooo convenient!

Of course, I could forget all of this and just buy a camera.

considering some deep (and good posts) you have about digital and audio in general.

Why thank you kindly.
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