What's the best CD and/or multiplayer today

Just got notice that my long awaited Spectral 4000 will soon be available - at $15,000! CD only. Any suggestions for alternatives at or below that price range?
Guido: I agree with your concerns about the warranty, although I've never heard of an Esoteric warranty issue. (Not like a Sony SACD player, for example). Never the less, I'd be concerned, too, although I'd probably take the chance anyway.

I'd be less inclined to take the chance if I hadn't already heard the benefits of modifiying. Stock they are a little thin and the stage is monophonic, by comparison.

I admit, it would be a tough call.


Ditto for Dodson 218, with modded CEC TL-1x (Superclock 3, power supply, etc.) is as good as I have heard. Throw away your turntables! (Kidding.)

I'd love to compare my Cayin 17 to the Audio aero Prima. Not the DAC, the Prima cdp.
At half the price, I'd bet the Cayin comes out the winner, or at least even.
BartokFan, if you are a real fan of old Bela, you should try the 1st piano concerto performed by Andras Schiff on the X-01. 'Tis simply awesome!
I too am a Bartok fan and love the Schiff recording. Of course I'm Hungarian and spent quite a bit of time in my childhood playing the elementary Bartok piano pieces (mikrokozmosz?)