Don't buy Nagaoka MM or Hana MC.
Discover much better MM/MI cartridges in the same price range with much better and more involving sound quality and advanced technology (better cantilever, greater stylus profile).
Don't follow the mainstream group, to advice something a user must try many (at least). Some people just recommend what they use even if they tried only 2-3 cartridges, and we see it almost in every post. A cartridge can be improved many times, each time it cab be a better cartridge (different one) without spending much.
Discover much better MM/MI cartridges in the same price range with much better and more involving sound quality and advanced technology (better cantilever, greater stylus profile).
Don't follow the mainstream group, to advice something a user must try many (at least). Some people just recommend what they use even if they tried only 2-3 cartridges, and we see it almost in every post. A cartridge can be improved many times, each time it cab be a better cartridge (different one) without spending much.