What's the "worst" cdp for the money?

OK, we've seen much input on the best cdp for the money. Now how about we collect opinions on the worst value cdp's out there? You know, like a $3000 player that sounds like a $300 player.
Fatparrot says >>This is a very nasty and petty thread!<<
Ouch! Somebody must have mentioned your cd player huh?
I'm not sure that what I'll be saying here is what I perceive to be the worst player for the money, but rather the least value for the price that I auditioned when I ugraded my digital components. Based on previous responses I will add a disclaimer that this is my opinion only as an amatuer critic and based on home listening tests. For those interested the pertinent system components that used to home audition the CDPs were:

Cary V12i
Cary SLP-98L
Spendor 1/2e (on Sound Anchor stands)
Chang Lightspeed 6600 (amp)
PS Audio P300 Power Plant (sources, but switched all CDPs tested back and forth between the PS Audio and Chang)
Nordost Red Dawn RCA interconnects
Wire World Silver Electra 5 PC (amp)
Electra Glide PC (preamp)
XLO Reference (speaker)
An array of PCs to test each CDP (all burned in)

CDPs tested: Jolida JD-100, SimAudio Moon Equinox, and Naim CD5x (using the Chord DIN to RCA and without flatcap).

Of these the CDP that I thought had the least value for the price was the Naim CD5x. I had heard a lot about Naim and the sound it produced from many people but just could not hear it in my set-up. Not that it sounded poor, but for the money ($3k) it sounded less musical than the Sim at $2250 and was slightly embarrassed by the Jolida which is under $1k. I don't think I would have paid more than $1500 for the Naim and that would include twisting my arm. I was very unimpressed considering the hype. However, I will add another opinion and that is I feel Naim gear belongs with other Naim gear. I don't feel Naim gear sounds as good as separates.

All this being said some of you may be curious which CDP I selected. The answer is none of them. I was also conducting a simultaneous test with separate transports and DACs and decided to go that route. Had I decided to go the CDP route the Sim most likely would have won out.
Linn Genki. Never heard it myself. Corresponded with a former reviewer at Soundstage who was to have reviewed the Linn CDP.

He said it was a real POS. Sounded like a circa 1985 player. He let the editor of Soundstage hear the player and he agreed and they scraped the review.

BW Maxx
I've heard A LOT of players over the years, and probably thirty or more over the past two years. Some I really enjoyed, while others just didn't do it for me. But not a single one fit the description of "$3K player that sounds like a $300 player." Sorry to disappoint, but that's just my opinion.
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