As the OP can see, answers will vary.
I submit my reviews of speakers at, as a plethora of speakers can sound intimate, warm, precise. Panel, dynamic, dynamic hybrid, horn hybrid, full range, quasi-line source. Yup, all of 'em.
Select your genre of speaker well, for it will dictate the goal of satisfaction. But, don't be fooled by thinking any genre can "do it all". Enthusiasm aside, every genre of speaker has compromises, significant compromises. You choose one genre, and you have deselected other, immensely gratifying set of attributes attainable only with other genres of speakers. It's the nature of the activity.
Finally, be prepared to spend time and money, perhaps even changing components and cables, to achieve higher satisfaction (if desired) when introducing new speakers. I do not recall a single instance in 25 years of system building where introducing new speakers resulted in optimized sound using the initial system components/cables.