specs of that Denon 301 seem right in my range
Full specs:
Format: moving coil type
Output voltage: 0.3mV (1kHz 5cm / s in the horizontal direction)
Playback frequency range: 20Hz ~ 60kHz (the graph in the Gramophone review on vinylengine showed it to be dead flat to within about ±1dB up to 45kHz, the maximum frequency they tested it to)
40Ω: output impedance
Matched load: 100Ω or more (transformer 40Ω)
Channel separation: 28dB or more (1kHz)
Channel balance: 1dB or less (1kHz)
Static compliance: 35 × 10 (to the power of) -6cm/dyne
Dynamic compliance: 13 × 10-6cm/dyne (100Hz record measurement)
Needle tip: 0.14 × 0.07 mm square solid diamond special ellipse needle
Proper stylus force: 1.4g ± 0.2g
good first step into MC?
Full specs:
Format: moving coil type
Output voltage: 0.3mV (1kHz 5cm / s in the horizontal direction)
Playback frequency range: 20Hz ~ 60kHz (the graph in the Gramophone review on vinylengine showed it to be dead flat to within about ±1dB up to 45kHz, the maximum frequency they tested it to)
40Ω: output impedance
Matched load: 100Ω or more (transformer 40Ω)
Channel separation: 28dB or more (1kHz)
Channel balance: 1dB or less (1kHz)
Static compliance: 35 × 10 (to the power of) -6cm/dyne
Dynamic compliance: 13 × 10-6cm/dyne (100Hz record measurement)
Needle tip: 0.14 × 0.07 mm square solid diamond special ellipse needle
Proper stylus force: 1.4g ± 0.2g
good first step into MC?