Will a $700 turntable outperform a CD player?

I’m looking into getting a second source as I don’t want to be tied down to internet and a streaming service as my only source.  Will a $700 turntable and inexpensive phono preamp out perform a Cambridge CXC transport / Schiit Gungir Multibit?  
The Schiit Sol / mani preamp look enticing but I know nothing about turntables.

I used to dj and always used technics Sl1200’s and really liked them.  I can pick up a nice SL1200 mk3 used for $600...

I figure that before I start spending hundreds, possibly thousands, on cd’s or vinyl, I should be sure which format I want!

Thanks for any advice / input regarding this 😁

Best Regards,
Outperform-verb, perform better than.

a member pm’d me an iformed me that someone would have to come and set up the stylus, I’d have to buy a record cleaner, find domewhere to store my records, that I can’t skip tracks with a remote...

so I don’t care about having to get up to change records, can’t I just do what I used to do and not touch the records and occasionally clean / condition them with some gruv glide?, store my records on the ground inside a flight case?

Can I not just buy a good sounding $700 turntable that comes with a catridge already installed and “set-up” buy a decent phono preamp, and some records?

My reservations are that records will more than likely be more expensive and a $700 vinyl set-up not outperforming, ie, sounding better, than my gungir and CXC...

If it's a toss-up between LP and CD, go for vinyl but forget the Sol unless you want a steep learning curve in setting up a turntable. You'll need to commit if you want the whole vinyl experience. Get the Technics and have some fun.
Not to get all anti-McLuhan-esque, but to me the message counts more than the medium.  Sure, fidelity, convenience and habit figure into it.  But whether it's phono, CD, SACD, download, streaming or one of those many wonderful magnetic tape variants(!), I tend to go to the place that enables me to hear that I want to hear.
Look for a used Rega RP 3 should come in at around $700. Easy to set up sounds great.