I am looking for help selecting an amplifier to match my Revel F228Be speakers.

I am looking for help selecting  an amplifier to my Revel F228F speakers (which I love!) and twin REL T/9i subs.

Currently running a NAD M22 V1 or a YBA Integre DT. The NAD is dead silent and has great bottom end but the highs can be bright/screechy/digital at times. The YBA has nice highs but has a somewhat weak bottom-end and is only 50wpc. I tried bi-amping these two amps which takes advantage of the strengths of each. The problem is matching output. The YBA amp volume is almost maxed-out to match the NADs much larger output. This results in an irritating hum from the YBA.

So I plan to sell both amps and buy another. Looking for recommendations. Budget is $7,000, for amp and $2,000 for streamer. I prefer to buy ‘almost new’ components as is seems to me that you get more ‘bang for the buck’.

I mostly listen to streaming music (80%), and CDs (15%) with the balance being vinyl. Taste in music is very wide, Jazz (25%), Acoustic guitar (25%), Blues (15%), Orchestra (10%), Rock (25%)

Current DAC is a Benchmark DAC2 HGC, streamer is a Bluesound Node 2i (which I plan to upgrade).

My acoustically treated music room is 15x20 with sloped ceilings rising to 20 feet at one end.  

At the top of my wish list is a Mark Levinson 585. I like the fact that this amp is integrated and has a built-in DAC.  Thanks in advance for your suggestions.

Along different lines, and I am honestly not sure of the results you would achieve, but you could buy a Schitt SYS passive pre for $50 and place it between your preamp and NAD.  To level match the NAD volume (reduce it) to that of the YBA so both are on an equal footing?

As you can tell, I am not sure this will work, but you can even return the SYS within the trial period if it doesn't.
Jetter, that's an interesting 'cheap' experiment to consider. I am using the DAC2 as a preamp currently. so not sure how the SYS would connect.

Auxinput, also a relatively inexpensive to try with a fuse change. I never heard of a fuse change making a sonic change. Can you help me understand the rational?

Used Ayre AX 5 Twenty plus streamer DAC or VX 5 Twenty plus a streamer preamp DAC. Ayre power is perfect for the Revels. The MA9000 is also good, but less resolving. 
Nice speakers. If you can do separates there was a McCormack DNA-500 available for $3300 on US Audio Mart, and paired with something like a loaded Don Sachs tube pre for $2500 I think you’d hear some real magic from your Revels. Another good pre option would be a Linear Tube Audio MZ2 (with upgraded power supply) that also happens to be an excellent headphone amp as well if that matters. Regardless, given your sonic preferences I would not continue to use the Benchmark as your preamp.

If it has to be an integrated, a hybrid tube/SS model like the Pathos Logos or Unison Unico 150 would likely sound beautiful with your speakers. Upscale Audio has a used Unico 150 available now for $3300 that would obviously save you quite a bit of $$$. But another possible outstanding option is a Vitus RI-100 integrated on US Audio Mart for $5750 that retailed for $13,000.

I’d opt for a separate DAC rather than relying on one built into an integrated. To me, the DAC is far too important to leave to chance or be tied down to one built into another component. Given your music and sonic preferences, I’d strongly consider a tubed R2R NOS DAC from the likes of MHDT or AudioMirror.

For a streamer I’d get an Innuos Zen Mk3 that can also rip and store your discs so you can have access to all your music from your chair. Hope this helps, and best of luck in your search.
Auxinput, also a relatively inexpensive to try with a fuse change. I never heard of a fuse change making a sonic change. Can you help me understand t

stock fuses are usually made with low grade metals (such as nickel or tin).  Also, we have electrical and mechanical resonance that makes its way into the fuse.  The fuse is a small wire that is stretched across two points.  A/C power is applied to the fuse at 60 hz (60 waveforms per second) and will also have it's own noise and resonance. Think of it as a guitar string vibrating in air.  Additionally, the glass case also can resonate mechanically from vribrations.

All this electrical resonance prevents the wire from charging smoothly.  The result is generally a bright and harsh sound, but can also be lack of bass.

Upgraded fuses use much better metal components (copper or copper alloy).  They also have anti-vibration material inside the fuse casing, such as powder or a liquid.  Some use cermic casing instead of glass, which also reduces resonance.