Now could not be a better time to be a combination "audiophile jazz aficionado"; even this "Lockdown" thing is working perfectly, everything ugly is sealed out, and all the beautiful music is sealed in.
The music on my old records is sounding brand new as a result of upgrades on the analog rig; this enables me to travel back in time without delay, to a much better time.
"Speak Low" is one of my favorite songs, and thanks to my play list I can hear several different versions in series.
Speak low. When you speak, love
Our summer day
Withers away
Too soon, too soon
Speak low. When you speak, love
Our moment is swift
Like ships adrift
We're swept apart too soon
Speak low, darling, speak low
Love is a spark
Lost in the dark
Each version conveys different aspects of the same song.
Now for a different song "Close Your Eyes"
Happiness is an elusive element, I intend to get my share, and I hope you get yours.