Congratulations glupson for being able to sound out the words. Even the big long ones? "Kuh Paa See Tance. Kuhpaaseetance. Capacitance. Got it! Wonder what that means? Oh well. At least its readable!" A dazzling display of logic.Many posts around here claim some science and technology that is frequently unreadable. Some of the time because it may be too complicated for me, some of the time because it is poorly written.
There is nothing wrong with being able to present one’s thoughts in a readable manner. I cannot argue if almarg’s post was correct, or not, but it was readable.
Probably unintended, what you have done is called damning by faint praise. Look it up. Go on. Live a little.
PS- Stock Power Cords. (oh and you can see the lamp cord going to a speaker in a photo too!)