
I certainly have, personally, experienced the improvement power cords can make on amplifiers...how about their value on other items, such as preamps with external powersuppies, and phono preamps....I know better than to apply layperson logic, which doesn't always work in audio, but it would seem that items that draw less "juice" would be less prone to changes in power cords....thoughts welcomed, but experience more interesting to me.....thanks
With the preponderance of reputable direct-selling cable manufacturers out there offering free in-home trials, why not just try it for yourself since you’re the only one who matters anyway? It’s gonna make a difference, but it’s system and equipment dependent so your situation will be unique. For example, interconnects between my components make a much bigger difference than speaker cables despite handling lower-level signals. Grab some TWL, Cullen, Audio Envy, etc. and let us know what you find.
Chuck, respectfully, what difference did you note when you did your turntable experiment?

You're asking me what I heard more than 20 years ago? You do realize of course there are people who think we need special switches to compare cables because we can't remember what anything sounds like for more than a few milliseconds. Not that I am one of those. Just taking advantage of the opportunity to really stick it to em.
The bass was better, and there was more drive and energy. Beyond that gimme a break, it was after all 20 years ago!
also, if the notion of low draw items need less "gauge" is true, what cord would you think would be good for the Herron?  Keith, of course, says he just uses the stock....

I talked with Keith a bunch back when I got my VTPH2A and he's a great guy but like all designers he goes with what he knows. Learned this so long ago. Called up Aronov audio. Thinking of upgrading caps, diodes, etc. Do not do this! We use only finest quality! You cannot do better! You will void warranty! You might kill yourself! Amp may explode! Earth will fly out of its orbit!!! Okay I made that last one up. But not by much. Went ahead and swapped diodes. Was absolutely stunned, floored, slack-jawed amazed how much better $8 worth of HEXFRED diodes made that amp sound!

So you can safely ignore all designers and manufacturers- including most especially the designers and manufacturers of power cords! Ignore EVERYTHING they say! Well except for plugs. If they say its an IEC plug, or for the EU or US, that you can believe. Not much else. Certainly not any of their stories about current, or construction, materials, any of that. Its all irrelevant.

The only thing to pay attention to is sound quality. Listening impressions. From people who actually used one. On anything, by the way. Because in spite of everything you may have heard, if they say it sounded dynamic 3D and liquid on a power amp believe me it will sound dynamic 3D and liquid on your Herron. If they say it was flat and sterile on a DAC it will be flat and sterile on the Herron. This is another BS story, that these things have to be matched to certain components. Wrong. Not even.

The only thing power cords need to be matched to is your listening preferences. Which if you like the beautifully balanced sound of the Herron you will probably enjoy the beautifully balanced sound of Synergistic Research. Simply read the reviews, and when you find people describing the sound in a way you like, go for it. That's what I do, and it hasn't failed me yet.
Very nice so far! An actual adult conversation. I was starting to lose all hope that trying to discuss cables could only end up in the turlet.
Agree with proof of concept. Personally, I have found premium cables to provide blacker backgrounds and quieter quiet parts between the notes. Overall as improvement. But I also feel that there are economies of scale. I started out my power cord journey from stock cables to Shunyata Venoms. Then I upgraded to Deltas. I think that is going to be it for me. The incremental benefit of a further upgrade combined with my hearing, components and room make me feel like I have hit the sweet spot already. Ad in there my PS Audio power regenerators and dedicated 20amp lines from my breaker box and I am good. My systems are quiet, black with good resolution. I noticed the difference initially going from stock to Venoms. I feel that it is real.