$1000 bookshelf speakers with "recessed", "laid back" or "flat" mid-range?

Dear all,
As stated above, I am looking for a bookshelf speaker with a mid-range that is laid back, recessed or flat. I currently own a pair of Elac Uni-Fi UB5, and I find their presentation quite forward in the mid-range, which I don't appreciate, especially at moderate to high volumes. I also own a pair or Pioneer SP-BS22, which I find more pleasing sounding (particularly the more recessed mid-range) than the Elac.
Since I can't audition speakers where I live, I am asking for your recommendations on bookshelf speakers that have a more "recessed" or "flatter" presentation in the mid-range. I have a budget of $1000. Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!
I find Whareldale has a warmish sound in line with what you describe.  You can get Wharfedale Jade 3s used in your price range and they are awesome speakers.
Seas A26 is probably the best suggestion so far soundwise.

Dentons and Lintons are another good option.

I think the Wharfedale Diamond 225 would be perfect (and quite affordable).  I really enjoyed it - warm, listenable, laid back soundstage. I think it has a slightly bigger sound than the Denton 80, but the Denton 80 is also a fantastic bargain with similar sound characteristics.  The treble is a bit more resolved in the Denton 80 (but not bright or forward).

Good luck, and let us know what you decide on!
Linn stuff are all pretty laid back. I own Linn Majik 109 bookshelves for laid back listening (jazz) and own elac vela bs for forward detailed listening (female vocal and chamber). Majik 109 retails for $1690 but I am sure you can find used close to $1k.
Thank you guys! I have not decided yet. What about the newest Wharfedale Diamond 11.1 or 11.2? I read good reviews about them, and they seem to be laid back, but detailed.