High Powered Holographic Amplifiers

I am looking for high powered amplifiers that are truly Holographic.. 

My speakers are power hungry, 

The Audio Research Ref 610T is easily the most holographic amplifier(s) that have ever been in this system. 

The solid holographic images moving around the room are nothing short of amazing. 

Music just seems to pour out of the speakers.

My "room" is completely untreated and has lots of noise provided by my sub zero fridge and freezer units. 
My equipment is pretty good, though.

Are there any solid state options that are as good?

My speakers are Magnepan 20.1
Preamp is Audio Research Ref 5
Source is a VPI (both Classic 3 and Aries I)
Cart is a Dynavector XV1-s
Phono Pre is a Manley Steelhead RC
Cables are whatever I bought on Ebay, Power cords (in this system) are generally just normal factory.

(I'm not looking for a white paper discussion on what sonic holography is, or to discuss ancient Carver products.)

Curious about the Ayre MX-R, the Pass XS-300 (but I have no experience whatsoever with either).

Are there any other amplifiers besides the Ref 610T that might be _truly_ worthy of the epithet "Holographic"?. 

(If you don't know the difference between soundstaging and holography, this is not the thread for you.)
This is how I did my upgrade lately , my speAkers are Andra 1 Eggleston, 87 db power hungry, my musical fidelity supercharger monos 550 drive the Andra with ease, but not holographic as I would prefer, I replace my speaker cable to TQ Tellurium, Black Diamond, this cable open the soundstage and Iam getting a bit of holographic sound , until I found the Tsakadiris apollon monos amp 150 w , the apollon completely produces the holographic character of my system.
@theduker For us plebs, please do explain the difference between holography and the combination of imaging and soundstaging.
Lamm M1.2 driving ML Prodigy created the type of holographic imaging that I think you're looking for, they'd work well with the Maggies I suspect.

For lower power amps driven by 6L6, 845, 211, 300B, PX25, etc... there are plenty.  I run Art Audio 845 monos and the soundstage is extraordinary but they are only 45w and that radically limits what speakers you are going to use them with.   

Your caveat of higher power is an interesting one.  I have had a very good experience with a pair of VTL MB-185s.  Lovely amps and had a dramatic soundstage in triode.  Tetrode left something to be desired.

I have a Rogue Hydra.  With stock JJs it is an unexciting amp.  Put in a pair of NOS Ciftes and it is 90% as good as the VTLs in triode and blows them out of the water in Tetrode.  Probably my favorite amp for the money.  

In all the above cases I have had these driving my own speakers from Verdant Audio and have used a PS Audio BHK, Ayre K-5xeMP and Art Audio Conductor preamp, all with exceptional results.  

The Ayre MXR Twentys were in one of the best systems I have ever heard but in fairness they were driving Wilson Alexx's.  How much is the amp, how much is the speakers?  

I have also hear the McIntosh MC275s bridged in Mono with a C22 peamp.  Admittedly the C22 (especially the phono stage) is the star of that system but it was pretty spectacular sounding driving a pair of Focal Sopra 2s in terms of imaging within the soundstage.  Definitely the best I have ever heard Sopra 2s sound.