All-in-one integrated, 10-15K range, class A/B only

For a second system. I want to buy a SS all-in-one integrated. At least 200W in 8ohm.

When I say all-in-one means it has to have DAC built-in (preferable a very nice DAC commensurate to the price point of the system). I would highly prefer a streamer built-in as well.

Am super excited about the new Boulder 866. It seems to be the only one satisfying all the criterion.

Another option could be the Accuphase E-800 with DAC module (but no streaming).
DAG Progression but it crosses 18K without DAC.

Any other options?
I am not interested in anything Class-D. It has to be Class A/B amplifier.

Speakers are TBD as well.

I suggest you view the U-Tube Jays Audio Lab. Accuphase E-800 is it any good? He really pans the integrated. In fact he stated the Luxman 590 out performed it. Axiss Distribution the company that imports Accuphase prices the line way too high. Said the E-800 should be between 12-14K at the most. Also if you don't have highly efficient speakers it runs out of gas. 
You can get the E-800 for 12-13K.  Problem with your "Messiah" is that he often pairs the wrong amps with the wrong speakers. Accuphase sounds best with Monitors like Harbeth, Tannoy, Graham, Proac, ATC etc....not humongous power hungry floorstanders from Wilson and the like.  He trashed the ARC 160M and all he tried it on was the NEOLITH speakers. DUH!!!! You will find plenty of people who like the Accuphase and 160M. 
I agree he panned the Accuphase and mentioned 12-14k but I don't remember him saying the Luxman 590 was better.  I'll have to rewatch to see if I missed that comment.
He ran both the 590 and the E-800 on the Wilson Sashas. The Luxman had no problem w/the speakers. By the way he bought that Accuphase from someone I know that shops at my local dealer. He had the E-800 for 2 months w/Harbeth 40.2's. He went to the Luxman 900 separates and is quite happy.