Best CDP in the $4k to $8k range

I just sold my Simaudio Moon Nova and am in search of a replacement. At the moment, listening to CDs on an Arcam. I have listened to a bunch lately - notably the Simaudio Eclipse SE (which I thought was great, but might suffer from a slightly bright uppermid), the Esoteric DV50 (which lacked the openness and extension of the eclipse), Mark Levinson 390S (which seemed a tad dry and reportedly suffers from reliability issues). The Wadia 861b was suggested to me and I will find time to listen to it. The Audio Aero Capitole also might be a contender. The rest of my system consists of a Placette active preamp, CJ Premier 11a, Revel Gems and B15 sub, Shunyata PCs and Hydra, and Sistrum rack. Those familiar with these CDPs, please help! Thanks.
I agree with Kurt_tank. The Capitole MKII is an outstanding player. I owned the Opus 21, and believe the Capitole to be considerably better. More body to the music, and a far more seductive sound. Still, I would have a look at the modded players. The Modwright and Exemplar are said to be very good, though I've not heard them. We have an APL modded 3910 with the new AKM DAC chip, and frankly even the Capitole is not in the same league. As always, it's just my opinion.
I owned the Levinson 390S and Wadia 850 as well as Accuphase DP 65. All three of these were embarassed by the 47Labs Shigaraki Dac and Flatfish transport. Don't get me wrong, they are all fine players in their own right, but music is simply rendered in a more organic and human way with the non oversampling/filterless combo. Audio Note also has some exceptional DACS. BTW, the Levinson was not finicky.
Compare the more expensive units to a Vecteur L 4.2 which is something like 2500 new. You may be surprised.
At various times, I have owned the following CD players.

(1) Arcam FMJ - don't remember the number (32?)
(2) Arcam MCD (CD changer)
(3) Sony SCD-1
(4) EAD Ultradisc 2000
(5) Sony - some complete piece of crap!
(6) Audiomeca Keops
(7) SimAudio Nova (same as you)
(8) Electrocompaniet EMC-1 (UP) and/or (SE)

Not all of these are in your price range (most are, in fact, below your price range). There is no doubt which worked best for me for redbook CD's

The Electrocompaniet.

It is a truly special CD player - the only annoying thing is how they keep "upgrading" the name. It is a truly special CD player. You can pick up one at Audiogon for somewhere in the neighborhood of 2.5 - 3K. I still have it and can't imagine ever disposing of it (I also like the EAD; it is extremely highly resolving and detailed and likely more "accurate" than the Electrocompaniet, which is just so much more "liquid").

I have also heard the Ayre - though not in my system and not for an extended period of time - and I quite liked what I was hearing.

Good luck in your decision
I owned the Ayre, Sony SCD-1, Resolution Audio Opus 21. But the best yet is my current player- the Exemplar 2900. Best digital I've ever heard.

You may want to look into the Exemplar or the APL players.
