Choice of Phono Cartridges

I am looking to buy a new phono cartridge in the $450 to $550 price range. Lots to choose from, but I'm looking for some advice on what might be best for my current analog rig. System consists of:

Audio-Technica AT-LP7 table with AT-VMN20EB cartridge
Project Tube Box DS phono amp
BAT VK 42se Preamp
BAT VK 250 Power amp
Apogee Duetta Signature speakers
Paradigm reference Servo Subs

I'm thinking about the following cartridges:

Sumiko Blue Point Special EVO-III mc at $549
Sumiko Blue Point #2 at $449
Hana E mc at $475
Sound Smith Otello ES at $400
Ortofon 2M Bronze mm at $440
Ortofon MC Quintet Blue at $524
Audio-Technica AT-OC9XML mc at $549
Clearaudio Performer V2 at $450

I realize that it's a long list, but I'd like to hear from any of you who might have had any experience with these cartridges and any advice you can give. I have a collection of around 2000 LP's and want to improve on the current SQ of the AT-LP7. 

Or, maybe I should invest in anew TT at around $1,000 to $1,200?

Thanks in advance for your input.


1st: your existing cartridge, with elliptical stylus, has some nice upgrade options. you can change your elliptical stylus to either a VMN60SLC (special line contact); or a VMN50SH (shibata,). 

click on the chart on this page about your cartridge for options 

Do you know about advanced stylus tip shapes? 

life of stylus: current elliptical estimated to last 300 hours. both the SLC and SH tip shapes make much more contact with the groove (a good thing indeed), and they are estimated to last 800 hrs (2.67 times longer life). So, you can pay more for an advanced stylus shape, it lasts much longer, it really does not cost more,if you do the math.

Either of those advanced stylus (I would pick the least costly of the two) will definitely improve your audible results, and less wear on your LP's grooves, win/win.

to clarify, you posted the number of the replaceable stylus for your cartridge. AT adds an N (needle) in the cartridge number, so the cartridge is VM520EB, elliptical stylus is VMN520EB

the EB stands for Elliptical (stylus tip shape), and B for Bonded (glued).
How are your cartridge alignment skills? No matter what you buy, if you don't have a few inexpensive tools and acquired alignment skills, you will need to have a friend do it, or carry your TT into a shop (mask on), have them do it. You are better off practicing with your elliptical stylus, get the tools and skills for life, then you get the best sound and avoid groove damage free for life
Once you know the cost of an upgraded stylus for your existing cartridge, then check the features of new considerations.

a lot of cartridges in that price range have elliptical stylus, which is a lateral move regarding the tip. I would strongly advise moving up to advanced shape: LC line contact; ML microline; MR microridge; SAS; Shibata, all of which are designed for MORE surface contact (edge of stylus) against the edge of the groove.
I just put myself thru torture researching a Moving Coil cartridge (MC). Today I ordered an Audio Technica AT-33PTG/2. It has a Line Contact stylus tip on a boron shaft.

Having decided, I feel like I got out of jail.

Do you know about MC? They have delicate weak signals that need to be pre-boosted up to the strength of Moving Magnet (MM) cartridges, like your existing MM cartridge.
Your phono box is very nice and will handle either MM as now, or a new MC if you do that.

best of luck choosing

my 2 recent torturous threads


I have used the AT OC9III(discontinued, but still available) 
Not having compared specs in detail, it looks like the XML is similar, and with a threaded body, which the older versions lack.
Great cart for the money. There are plenty threads with satisfied users.

The Soundsmith Otello has a nicer mid/high presentation, but soft in the bass. Still a very nice cart in its price point. The SS web page points this deficit out. I use it as an emergency back up cart.

This naturally, is a subjective opinion-YMMV.

With that many albums, a more serious table setup and eventually, phonostage may be  something to consider.
Given the quality of your amps/speakers and size of record collection, I personally think you would get more enjoyment from your records by upgrading the whole turntable.

There are some great deals out there at the moment - for example Music Direct are specialling out the Rega RP8 for $1995 ( outgoing model, $1000 discount ) - brand new and ready to go. You can get a better front end second hand but why not avoid the hassle. Buy a Rega Exact and it is plug and play.

If you decide to upgrade the cartridge for now I would stick to MM/MI because they are less demanding of the tonearm ( which on the AT is not a world beater ). My recommendations in your price range would be

Soundsmith ( these are excellent at all price levels - very smooth, detailed and musical ).

I prefer these to both the Ortofon MM's and Sumiko's.
Whilst the AT MC's do perform well for the money, you wont get the best results with the AT arm.
+1 on dover's comment above

tt upgrade is best bet

try a well tempered labs or an oracle