Oracle CDP 2000 vs 1000


I'm looking some help. Is someone could give me some details about CDP 2000 vs CDP 1000
I've listen the 1000 at the home of a friend of mine, but where I live ( Out of US ) I can't try a CDP 2000.

could u explain me what differences are, and improvement between both ?

ths mates

The CDT2000 & CDT1000 are pretty much similar in soundstage, dynamic, incredable in mid-bass. The difference is appearance only... I have cdt1000 and very happy with that even I haven't got a proper DAC for it. Just connect it to my old CDP which has digital input and the output is only 44,1KHz, but it's a big difference when compare with the old CDP. Imagine that I got a right DAC for it then......
If you love the appearance then you have to pay more for CDT2000 with the same sound as CDT1000. The CDT1000 is not bad at all, actually very nice looking, I just made a custom tempered glass base for it and looked so cool. But if your pocket is full then it doesn't matter... your call... enjoy the music...
>>If you love the appearance then you have to pay more for CDT2000 with the same sound as CDT1000.<<

That's not quite true. The CD-2000 has a much more sophisticated and innovative suspension system than the CD-1000. In a highly resolving system, the superiority of the CD-2000 is quite apparent. Both however, share the same transport and electronics.

Disclaimer: I sell Oracle.
Bill Feil
AudioFeil International
ths bill.

You'd said "In a highly resolving system, the superiority of the CD-2000 is quite apparent"

that's THE question. How could you describe me THIS superiority. Does it make large improvement in sound stage an imaging for example ?
