Review on Coda Technologies 16 Amplifier went live today

Just wanted to inform the individuals that have shown interest in reading the full review on Stereo Times website, not just the comments on the on-going thread about the 16 amplifier, that it was posted this morning.  It gets into the details why this is a spectacular piece regarding performance, build quality, and it's very reasonable price for what you get for your money.

I have heard from other No. 8 users that this amp rarely leaves its Class A rating and if that’s the case, wondering if adding more filter capacitance to the No. 8 would bring it closer to the sound of the No. 16 without the added weight : )

"I have heard from other No. 8 users that this amp rarely leaves its Class A rating and if that’s the case, wondering if adding more filter capacitance to the No. 8 would bring it closer to the sound of the No. 16 without the added weight : )"

Yup, almost like a Coda 12 that has more capacitance and maybe 40-50 watts class A for a price between a 16 and 8.
I wonder though if the speaker is barely leaving class A, would we really get much benefit from the 16 over the 8 ?
Maybe at some point an upgrade will come out for the No. 8, doubling the capacitance along with a few other mods that makes it even better...
