Favorite song to demo or test drive speakers?

What is the first song you played when you listened to your new system for the 1st time? 
Important to have several ~~Reference recordings~~~ when determining if a  new piece of equipment is great,,avg or poor,,,and also for revealing mods,, if a  success or a failure,,,Knowing how a  reference cd sounds pre mod post mod, , tube rolling.
Faith Hill, is one such reference,,,opening track You were Right There, ,,, how much passion comes through, Diana Krall. 
Others include,  Sophie Milman, , Gatemouth Brown  Diana Krall 
Yaz - "Situation" from the Upstairs at Eric’s album.
Norah Jones - "Lonestar" (female voice demo) and Painter Song from her Come Away with Me LP.
EP version of Steve Winwood's Higher Love.
Average White Band: "Schoolboy Crush"
Bruce Cockburn: "Peggy's Kitchen Wall"
Rickie Lee Jones: "Showbiz Kids"
Allison Krause: "New Favorite"