In the opinion of believing Christians life is not over when your body dies.
Death is the start , not the end .Though we all fear it , as a baby coming into the world does , crying .
We also believe that God is Love itself and the Joy of life ,as he expounded on " The Sermon upon the Mount " is in primarily helping others .
Anyone with an lQ over 50 , like myself ,can understand the depth of Jazz songs , our entire nation did for decades
.The depth is that of a mountain spring we live by in our time here , not knowing our spring is flowing into the Mighty St. Lawrence which drains all the Great Lakes into the oceans themselves .
Death is the start , not the end .Though we all fear it , as a baby coming into the world does , crying .
We also believe that God is Love itself and the Joy of life ,as he expounded on " The Sermon upon the Mount " is in primarily helping others .
Anyone with an lQ over 50 , like myself ,can understand the depth of Jazz songs , our entire nation did for decades
.The depth is that of a mountain spring we live by in our time here , not knowing our spring is flowing into the Mighty St. Lawrence which drains all the Great Lakes into the oceans themselves .