Can you recommend an integrated amp 2K or less for Golden Ear Triton 2's?

Hi Everyone, 
A good friend of mine has Triton 2's, and has been using an AVR to feed them.  He reached out to me for recommendations for an integrated amp 2K or under to replace the AVR, which apparently stopped working.  I have been balls deep into the SET + horn-loaded world, so in good conscience I can't recommend something to pair with Triton 2's. I'm hoping to get some recommendations from those of you out there that better know the Triton, as experience matters IMO.  

Thanks in advance! 
many choices

check stereophile or absolute sound recommended components as a place to start
Integrated amps under 2000 that come to mind:
  • Rogue Audio Sphinx 
  • Peachtree Nova 150
  • Schiit Ragnarok
  • Cambridge Audio
  • Rotel A14
  • Cambridge Audio CXA81
You want something warm.  Pass and Parasound would be among the choices I'd suggest.