Will a $700 turntable outperform a CD player?

I’m looking into getting a second source as I don’t want to be tied down to internet and a streaming service as my only source.  Will a $700 turntable and inexpensive phono preamp out perform a Cambridge CXC transport / Schiit Gungir Multibit?  
The Schiit Sol / mani preamp look enticing but I know nothing about turntables.

I used to dj and always used technics Sl1200’s and really liked them.  I can pick up a nice SL1200 mk3 used for $600...

I figure that before I start spending hundreds, possibly thousands, on cd’s or vinyl, I should be sure which format I want!

Thanks for any advice / input regarding this 😁

Best Regards,
@cal91:  Think of all the exercise you could be getting if you had to keep getting up to tend the turntable.  As the old say goes, “Use it or lose it!”  😉😆
A lot of it is truly (as people have said here) personal taste.  I am one of those who have never felt the CD sound was right.  My ears keep telling me something is amiss.
Before my Nos dac, all other sigma one sounded harsh with unnatural instrument timbre....

Before implementing the controlling methods i use for the mechanical resonance embeddings, the electrical house embeddings, and the most important acoustical room embeddings, all my sigma dac never sound right... 

With a modest NOS dac, Starting point Systems, and all the embeddings under my controls.... Upgrading to a costlier dac never comes to my mind again....This NOS dac kills all my sigma one to oblivion even a well known  good one...

Conclusion: Any piece of electronic component in an audio system cannot be at his S.Q. potential level without these embeddings controls.... This is the lesson in my audio journey.... :)
Yes and no.It depends .But I still love getting good cds now for like a buck.Yesterday I got Tin Machine first and Miles Davis Essential double cd never opened both for 2 bucks .20 years ago they would of cost 30 bucks .They sound excellent. I'm old school ,I  like having the cd of lp .
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