Anybody want a laugh?

Yes, that’s a network switch marketed to Audiophiles. 
Maybe you should look the term up before assuming, it’s a very specific call out. Or to put it your way, avail yourself of the wealth of knowledge available to you on the internet. 
I sold HiFi for a long time and am still active in that community, I have a great appreciation for esoteric methods and gadgets that actually work.. Networking equipment doesn’t make the cut. 
So I agree its not intuitive that a network switch can make a difference in sound quality when streaming.

But I have seen an extensive whitepaper on one such product whose name escapes me that goes into detail to make the case that noise on the network wire can make its way into the signal path between streamer attached to network and DAC adding jitter, in which case it might possibly make a difference.

That’s a plausible scenario I would say and some who I know to have very good and honest ears say to hear a difference at least in their case, so this is one of those things that at least has some plausible theory behind it.

Does it work? Don’t know but if the theory holds then I can see where it might at least in some cases.

Personally, I only use wireless network connections so not applicable in my case. Many modern DACs are also highly jitter resistant so that is another factor that helps these days compared to past.
I’d be interested to read the white paper that you refer to above. If we were discussing a network appliance that plugged in directly prior to the streamer and claimed to clean up noise, that’d be worthy of discussion, though I’d still be skeptical. 
The lol-worthiness of my OP is that it’s a $450 switch, and as djones noted, switches don’t really do anything, nor does the manufacturer make any claims to that effect. 
Works great. Reduces noise. Others on the market as well. Similar in concept to the devices that came around a few years ago for cleaning up USB signal. Not magic. It’s what the circuitry is designed to do. Flat-earthers can’t wrap their head around this.
If you’re referring to the USB “cleaners” like the iFi iPurifier, those have been analyzed by ASR and found to not only NOT do any cleaning, but actually added noise. 
So, just saying “works great”, without providing any evidence isn’t going to work for me.