WEll I boughta used PL Dialogue 5 on ebay some months ago,,,and did not like it,,,shipped it back witha generous $200 restock/hassle offer.. I like to be fair with anyone i buy from on ebay. I always offera restock/hassle fee.
I guess you want some of my opinions why i did not care for the preamp. To my ears in my system, the sound was less defined vs my chinese 12AT7 preamp..
That said,,i am close to buyinga new cayin SC6 pre , which is made in the same factory as the PL..Now it is true the PL Prologue is a older model,,so can not say how compares to the new EVO line.
I guess you want some of my opinions why i did not care for the preamp. To my ears in my system, the sound was less defined vs my chinese 12AT7 preamp..
That said,,i am close to buyinga new cayin SC6 pre , which is made in the same factory as the PL..Now it is true the PL Prologue is a older model,,so can not say how compares to the new EVO line.