Cat Stevens.... Great Artist or Wacko?

Just bought Cat's remastered CDs. Pretty impressive. It's a shame how much more great music he could of created. We all know the story, he chose another path. Where does he rank among writers of the 70's? With all of his recent interviews and VH-1's behind the Music, is he just misunderstood? Is he coming out for all these interviews to ultimately increase sales of all the recent remastered CD releases? No matter what is behind the man, in my opinion he ranks right up there with the 70's writers/singers and his music is everlasting through time.
Not into politics;However "Cat" had his day.In music/and popularity,timing is the key.After "Tea---"& Teaser---" I only liked a couple of songs on "-Bull--". Father & Son" is one of my favs.IMO,Cat was nowhere near Lennon/Mc Cartney as composers;and just a notch below JT,but one (of many)of the greats of his era.-This ain't his era.
Great artist, no doubt.  I saw his Cat's Attic tour a few years back at the Tower in Philadelphia, phenomenal.  When he sat at the piano and did Sad Lisa I was finished.  A great great artist, no hesitation, no doubt.  
He was very big in the 70s.Made plenty of money to .But he found God and just Stopped.....