Solid states more accurate than tubes?

Ever since I changed speakers from a pair of Maggie's to Proac's, I find the tonal balance more accurate with a ss, especially acoustic wood instruments. Tubes seem to lack that tonal accuracy. I believe it's a more realistic and accurate rendering. Is that a fair assessment? I'm not arguing tubes don't sound good with it's rich, warm sound but just not as accurate. 
Again, it is all about the design.  Have you heard a 101D DHT tube sound?  I find SS has a sorter decay so piano never sound correct to my ears but again it depends on the amp design.
The way I see it, let the makers sweat the specs.  Let the listener sweat the "Wow."  ...And I ain't talking about turntable speed instability.
Tube pre with SS amp is the way to go IMHO, best of both worlds if you can get the synergy right
’accuracy’ is over sold and under delivers

sympathetic distortion is the name of the game

we are painting a watercolour here, not fastidiously documenting an actual event
Funny. I recently switched from my Conrad Johnson pv-11 to my krell Pam 5 and the krell has way more detail. I even had nos telefunken 12au7’s in the cj. I think I’ll be staying with the krell for a while. Maybe look into buying a nice Ayre pre. I believe I’m hearing a lack of distortion. The krell also has a separate power supply and is a very quiet pre.