How to select a good Speaker Cable

Speaker cables do have a significant role in how our system sounds. Different cables sound different. 

So which one is the right one for you?

The Speaker Cable is an extension of the Amp. and not an addition to the speaker's load. It shall have a certain resistance (low) not to spoil the Amp's DF figure. As so, it can be calculated and there is a formula to do it.

The higher the Amp's DF, the lower the Speaker Cable's resistance shall be. As today SS power Amp's get DFs of 400 and above (Digital Amps go by thousands) the cable of 10 ft (3m) long, gets as thick as 0 AWG.

I can see your eyebrows elevates, when that thick cable is to be deal with. Most Speaker Cable makers skip it because of that. So most cables on the market (regardless of the look or price) are of 14-12 AWG. Way less that supposed to be.

Worst! no Speaker Cable maker, dealer or seller knows the answer, of what is the correct cable for your system. 

So most of us ended up, with a cables too thin for the task.

A conducted test, on this site, about a year ago as well as with some closer friends, shows a significant improvement with a calculated size cable over their previous cable. The results were all positive and preferred the calculated cable.

So, instead of asking: which of two brands, or two prices or two colors of Speaker Cable do I need, you should ask how thick of a Speaker Cable do I need.

I'll be happy to provide you the calculation, for who request it. All you need to provide is:

1). Length (Ft. or meter)

2). The Amp's DF figure.


^^^ If an amp has low DF (high output impedance), it will drive the high frequency more if a speaker has a rising impedance toward 20KHz which will result in harsh treble.  

But if an amp has high DF (low output impedance), then the difference is less at low freq. vs. high freq.
I’d kindly asked not to refer me to web articles. There are so many out there, with different ideas. So what?
None are yours. It is your choice which one to addaped, and which one do reject. So it is for myself.
Wait a second:  I'm not sure what you're saying.  Are you claiming that because something is published online that it can be immediately discounted regardless of the source?  Are you saying that footnoted claims are dismissible because they rely on others' research?  Are you saying that the only valid opinion is one you have derived yourself, and that prior work by others can be dismissed simply because someone else did the research?  I really don't get what your point is, other than that no claim can be true if it can be backed up, which is just sad.
No I am going to argue numbers because you're trying to sell cables using irrelevant numbers. What's relevant is the DIFFERENCE  between one guage and the other using the amplifier resistance plus the wire resistance not the percentage of change in one wire over another without taking the DF into account. To be even more precise you should know the speakers impedance swing as well. 
Mr. hilde45

Not yet.
All the cables thing was absolutely free.
I provided the calculation, some advice and all the rest was done (DIY) by those who had the will to pioneer the idea.
As you can see, some sharing of their comments is attached...

If someone would ask for a cable, I might do it. Never did it for sale or money.

However, I did developed some methods, to include one to use the same product, for #0 awg, 2x #0 awg and 4x #0 awg.
I made one #4 awg and one #0 awg for friends, for the cost of materials and shipping. (one is local (Israel) so no shipping, one was in Vancouver BC, Canada).
Now I'm building a #0 awg (10ft. / 3m long) for domestic demo.