@bigwave1...*G* Thanks for the advice, tho I may have to 'pick 'n choose' amongst those...and perhaps the 2 cardiologists that have a vested interest in me....;)
TAVR with an 'onboard' defib/pacemaker...the latter as part of a volunteer study nationwide study with 499 subjects and me. *S*
'New models require test drivers', and I was happy to do so.
During my rather brief therapy, I'd occasionally skip a beat or three, then resume. Totally unnoticed, except for the RN @ the monitor....
She'd startle, look @ me....look back @ her screen...walk over...
"Did you feel that? Feel what?
"Your heart stopped for a couple of beats." Beats me, felt nothing...*shrug* I'm sure you'll let me know if I don't restart....if I haven't noted such already...
The onboard unit merely monitors me. If I miss a beat or so, the defib 'taps' my heart with the pacemaker. If I stop and stay stopped, the defib will start low @ first, rather than flooring me with the big jolt.
That...it saves for non-response to the small tap or two....
Long story, shortened to a novella:
I already take a number of drugs daily. Eliquis and Entresto both, although both labels say they shouldn't be taken together, blood thinners, anti-chlorestrol, anti-inflam, anti-this, that, the other....D3, potassium....
to boost my resistance, fish oil, supplements...
'Breakfast #1 is 11 tabs, caps, plus an inhaler. #2 is food.
I'm a walking lab rat. To add anything to the routine, I consult the cardios 1st.
"You shouldn't smoke, or drink so much coffee..."
True...I shouldn't put Southen Comfort in the coffee, either.
If you want me to stop smoking, help legalize hemp in NC.
But the bright side is....These 'self-meds' keep me from strangling the random stranger, whether or not they deserve to receive such.
I bruise if you look at me hard. The slightest scratch will make me bleed like I've hit something serious...
"You OK?!" Yeah, just hydralic 'ooze'...let me know if I create a puddle...
If I didn't have the sense of humor that I posess, weird as it may appear...
Then you would and should be worried...
...but I'll thank you again for the suggestions. *S ;)
Cheers, J
TAVR with an 'onboard' defib/pacemaker...the latter as part of a volunteer study nationwide study with 499 subjects and me. *S*
'New models require test drivers', and I was happy to do so.
During my rather brief therapy, I'd occasionally skip a beat or three, then resume. Totally unnoticed, except for the RN @ the monitor....
She'd startle, look @ me....look back @ her screen...walk over...
"Did you feel that? Feel what?
"Your heart stopped for a couple of beats." Beats me, felt nothing...*shrug* I'm sure you'll let me know if I don't restart....if I haven't noted such already...
The onboard unit merely monitors me. If I miss a beat or so, the defib 'taps' my heart with the pacemaker. If I stop and stay stopped, the defib will start low @ first, rather than flooring me with the big jolt.
That...it saves for non-response to the small tap or two....
Long story, shortened to a novella:
I already take a number of drugs daily. Eliquis and Entresto both, although both labels say they shouldn't be taken together, blood thinners, anti-chlorestrol, anti-inflam, anti-this, that, the other....D3, potassium....
to boost my resistance, fish oil, supplements...
'Breakfast #1 is 11 tabs, caps, plus an inhaler. #2 is food.
I'm a walking lab rat. To add anything to the routine, I consult the cardios 1st.
"You shouldn't smoke, or drink so much coffee..."
True...I shouldn't put Southen Comfort in the coffee, either.
If you want me to stop smoking, help legalize hemp in NC.
But the bright side is....These 'self-meds' keep me from strangling the random stranger, whether or not they deserve to receive such.
I bruise if you look at me hard. The slightest scratch will make me bleed like I've hit something serious...
"You OK?!" Yeah, just hydralic 'ooze'...let me know if I create a puddle...
If I didn't have the sense of humor that I posess, weird as it may appear...
Then you would and should be worried...
...but I'll thank you again for the suggestions. *S ;)
Cheers, J