Benchmark DAC1 or Ah Reference Tjoeb 4000

I'm thinking in upgrade my digital source ( cheap Sony DVD player). I've read many good reviews about

Benchmark Dac 1
Ah! Noej Tjoeb 4000

but I can't hear them.

My system is : Primaluna Prologue Two and Von Schweikert VR-1.

Which do you think is the best option ?

The AH! brand new can cost you upwards of $1200. If your deck will serve as a good transport the Benchmark can be a good addition. Another option is to get an Audio Mirror D1 DAC for $500 (you can try it out first, just ask Vlad he is reasonable). You might be able to get the AH! on a home trial as well, then compare the two. The only thing you're at risk for is paying return shipping. Lastly, a very good used transport should run you around $500, combined with the Audio Mirror that is less than the top of the line AH!

You have lots of options. Have fun listening to them before you decide.
My system: Von Schweikert VR-1, Creek 5350SE and Tjoeb 4000 with the upsampler board. I listened to the stock 4000 for awhile and really liked it. I then installed the upsampler and liked it more. I almost wished I had bought the PrimaLuna, but I am a fan of SS like the Creek. I have not heard the Benchmark. I highly recommend the 4000 even without the the upsampler board. It will match very well with your system. Good luck and enjoy!
The primaluna and Tjoeb are made by the same people so if you are happy with the luna....

I have the fuly upgraded 4000 with Amperex NOS tubes for about 2.5 years now. Thing works fine still and sounds great. Only issue is that the RCA's are too close togetehr for fat interconnect cables and I thing my interconnects have caused one of them to become intermitant when wiggled. Not a big deal if I don't wiggle ;-)

I own the Benchmark DAC1 but have never heard the Noej Tjoeb 4000. However, from what I understand the 4000 sound to be, the two would be very different in sonic character. The DAC1 is a VERY detailed, clean, crisp source leaning on the bright side. The tubed 4000 I understand to be warmer, smoother and more laid back. Someone who's heard the 4000 can correct me, but I think it comes down to what kind of sound you prefer.
I think Insominac99 has pretty well captured what I understand the differences to be. I have not heard the DacI, but have read many posts which suggest that it is wonderful Dac for those who value clarity, detail and unveiled top end. I own the Super Tjoeb with upsampler (along with Prima Prologue I) and the combo is very musical, with a sweet midrange and top end sparkle. I listen mainly to jazz, acoustical & bossa, and the system plays this music with marvelous timbre and immediacy. Probably not the ideal system for steady dose of large-scale orchastra or rock though.