Who says cables don't make a difference?

Funny, after all these years, people still say things like "you wasted all that money on cables". 
There are still those who believe cables don't make a difference.
I once did marketing for a cable line I consider to be about the best-Stealth Audio Cables. 
One CES, I walked the rooms with the designer/owner, Serguei Timachev. He carried a pair of his then new Indra interconnects. Going from room to room he asked the room runners to replace their source to preamp IC with the Indra. There was not one that was not completely flabbergasted and said that the Indras blew away what they were using. That was the skyrocketing of Indra and Stealth. The Indra became one of the best reviewed cables ever.
Serguei now makes the Sakra-an IC that blows away the Indra!
I don't understand why some still do not value cables as much as I.
But until we have the ability to prove otherwise, the fact is that your position that one can "hear the difference" is fundamentally where this position starts and ends.

Right. Exactly. We can hear the difference. Period. Why you then go on and on with all that rhetoric about objectivity and measurements is beyond me. Surely you see how it only weakens your case?

Any measurements will NOT change the mind of these guys. We saw that first hand here with the posts on Iconoclast cables. Even when those measurements are shown, they say: they don’t matter, irrelevant, not audible, beyond human hearing threshold, very small to worry about, blah, blah, 😑

So why even bother? Nothing will do. These folks are firmly entrenched in their bunkers. 

Right. Exactly. We can hear the difference. Period. Why you then go on and on with all that rhetoric about objectivity and measurements is beyond me. Surely you see how it only weakens your case?

Actually, you think you can hear the difference, but that doesn’t mean there’s actually a difference. Many psychological studies have investigated this.  So, no, it doesn't weaken my case at all.  You could perhaps think of it like a placebo effect. For example, there have been studies with wine tasting that people who are blind tasting will score a wine higher if they are told it is expensive, and lower if they are told it is inexpensive. Yet in both cases they were tasting the same wine.

In short, the imperative is for those claiming that they can hear a difference (based on cabling) to actually be able to prove there is a difference... such as through instrumentation that can measure that difference or by being able to consistently identify the the supposed higher quality cabling in a blind test.