Tube tester...anyone own their own?

Since a lot of us utilize tube based gear, I am wondering how many of us own a tube tester? I am considering acquiring one, not sure if I would look for a Hickok or another brand/type.
if you are considering a tube tester, or already own one, do tell us your recommendations and your experience with the particular type you own.

I have checked out a few tube testers, but so far none can test the KT150 tube....which needs a 600 volt+ test. Anyone have any recommendations?
I would back up that statement about checking on Roger at Alltubetesters. Let the Buyer beware... I currently own a Hickok / Western Electric KS15560 rebuilt by Paul Hart in Atlanta, he is an Electrical Engineer (retired) and does great work, he has a number of testers he can rebuild to sell ( Also own a Hickok 752A (rebuilt by Paul) and Jackson 658. One thing about Paul is he can modify a tester, mine have been modified to run with a Variac which increases the accuracy on all tubes, especially high heater current tubes because there is no loss in the line adjustment pot. Mine can also can measure plate current. As daveyf above says, if you want to test at 600 volts you'll need a specialized, modern tester. Mucho $$$$. But the older Hickoks, if calibrated, do a fairly good job within their voltage limitations.
Agreed, I have heard that Paul is very good. This comes from several discerning peers as well as clients. 

Hello to everybody.


I’m from Italy, the name of my Company is dBevolution.

I would like to write something about my experience with Maximatcher and the Sales Manager Mr. Peter Toms.

I ordered and paid one Maximatcher and one Maxipreamp on 8 November 2021 (order No. 606).

Today 28 May 2022 (after more than 6 months) I didn’t receive the instruments, Italian customs told me that the attached documentation from the seller was incomplete and the parcel was sent back to the seller MORE than 3 months ago, but Mr. Peter didn’t refund me.

I sent him many email, but usually he reply to me after some days (probably it’s not his interest to resolve the problem), and he never sent me a refund and I never received the instruments.

Lately he stopped to reply to me (he don’t reply anymore).

If the situation will be not resolved, I will take a legal action.


So…pay attention before to buy from him

One more thing about the orange—it fails far more tubes than a Hickock.  I don’t know if that is good or bad.