Tube tester...anyone own their own?

Since a lot of us utilize tube based gear, I am wondering how many of us own a tube tester? I am considering acquiring one, not sure if I would look for a Hickok or another brand/type.
if you are considering a tube tester, or already own one, do tell us your recommendations and your experience with the particular type you own.

Agreed, I have heard that Paul is very good. This comes from several discerning peers as well as clients. 

Hello to everybody.


I’m from Italy, the name of my Company is dBevolution.

I would like to write something about my experience with Maximatcher and the Sales Manager Mr. Peter Toms.

I ordered and paid one Maximatcher and one Maxipreamp on 8 November 2021 (order No. 606).

Today 28 May 2022 (after more than 6 months) I didn’t receive the instruments, Italian customs told me that the attached documentation from the seller was incomplete and the parcel was sent back to the seller MORE than 3 months ago, but Mr. Peter didn’t refund me.

I sent him many email, but usually he reply to me after some days (probably it’s not his interest to resolve the problem), and he never sent me a refund and I never received the instruments.

Lately he stopped to reply to me (he don’t reply anymore).

If the situation will be not resolved, I will take a legal action.


So…pay attention before to buy from him

One more thing about the orange—it fails far more tubes than a Hickock.  I don’t know if that is good or bad.

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