What do/did you do for a living?

With the increasingly high priced items people own and are selling, I'm curious about the line of work people do or have done. I thought my $5k integrated was a massive investment, but seeing users searching for $100k speakers or $75k SET amplifiers has me curious about the varying lines of work people do to afford these items. 
I did logistics management and professional recruiting. I thought I was was the pauper in this bunch as my main, 2 channel system investment of about 2K is what I thought most of you would spend on a power cord. I am not disparaging any of you, I just never found the funds to put that much into a system.
In my younger years, I did have a more expensive system. Bought in the 1978/79 period, it was lost in a divorce. I still lament the loss (not the ex, the stereo). 
@j-wall, I went through a similar reality check a number of years ago as I drove through areas that had 1M plus valued homes.  I thought "how can there be this many people who make this much money?"  My wife reminded me that when we took out our last mortgage, we qualified for a 850K loan.  The reality is that many, perhaps most, people are leveraged to the max.  I saw this back in the 90's, when many of my colleagues had to sell their cars and a few had to sell their homes after a market correction.  They were paying bills by day trading equities and commodities on the side.  I've seen a lot of esoteric gear go up for sale on Audiogon after similar economic downturns. BTW, instead of taking out that 900K  mortgage loan I took out a 200K loan and payed it off in 7 years.  Later, I retired at age 60 with 3 kids still in college and all of them got through school with no loan debt.  I was a chemist and made decent money, but not crazy money.  In life, it is not just what you do for a living and how much you make, it is also what you do with what you have.   The same can be said in building an audio system. My current system, including room treatments etc., retails for under 40K.  I've put another 10K into flooring and HVAC for the room. My components work well together.  I've made good choices on tubes.  I put about 1.2K into rebuilding my speaker crossovers, which utterly transformed them.  I've worked hard on optimizing MLP and speaker position, and I am nearing completion of a long effort in treating the room.  I've heard systems that retailed for 4 to 5 times what mine cost that didn't sound as good.  I see Audiogon virtual systems that are just stunning- systems that make mine look rather pitiful.  So, I turn off the lights, close my eyes, listen, and smile.  It occurs to me that some of the most knowledgable people here don't necessarily have 100K speakers.  I'm guessing their systems are superb. 
I'm an audio engineer.  I spent the first 20 years of my career producing music, but migrated to post production sound over the last decade.  The reason I got involved with professional audio was a love of music.  I played in a band in college in the early-mid '80s, and when I graduated the economy was in the tank.  I had some very limited recording gear and my band's rehearsal space.  The rest is history.  One of my most favorite things about this job is that I get to buy toys... Toys like microphones and amplifiers and speakers.  I've always been an audiophile of sorts, but in 2019 when I set out to buy my first new set of main monitors in almost 20 years I became intrigued by JBL's flagship M2s. I realized they had found more homes in audiophile systems than pro studios.  I assume it's owing to there being a larger market among audiophiles- there are simply more of them than there are studios.  In the end I bought 3 of them and couldn't be happier.  I have nearly a million dollars tied up in my business, about 60% of which is the studio building itself.  35% is audio/ video/gear and musical instruments and 5% is office equipment and furniture.  The one thing about audiophilia that flummoxes me is the amount of credibility afforded to the most minor tweaks and the retail price of components and cables while proper room design, construction, and treatment often gets little more than a passing mention. Some things I just don't get.  Being intimately familiar with how recordings are made gives me a different perspective on what a playback system ought to be able to do.