Harbeth 30.1 or 40.1

I would like to get a pair of Harbeth, and wondering if 30.1 or 40.1 is better.  My room size is about 18’ x 16’.  I currently have a pair of Spatial Audio X5 with large 12” mid range driver.  I would say I listen in low to low-medium volume for Jazz and vocals.  Is 40.1 too big for my area?  I am afraid if I am not listening to what it is supposed to sound like if I don’t turn up the volume.

however, if I buy the 30.1, is that I should get a pair of sub?  Versus for 40.1, I assumed I don’t need subs?

'In any case choosing speakers based on Sound on a YouTube video alone is very risky business IMHO.'

I'd second that. Throwing an extra transducer between yourself and the recording of the original seems risky at best.

Unless there is a some way to record demos to play back on YouTube which give a close representation of the sound heard in the room. I've seen production values on YouTube (microphones and cameras) look quite impressive, but are they accurate?

It would be great if it was possible and then we could all play them back via a neutral pair of headphones (or monitors) if we wanted to etc.

Perhaps someone can answer that?
You'll always be able to find a used pair of 30.1's or 30.2's, but 40.1's come available only a few times a year... and local availability is a huge plus as you avoid shipping costs.  If you get the 30.1's you'll likely be content, but also always second guessing how much better your sound could have been had you bought the Harbeth flagship model 40.1.   Low to medium volume jazz and vocals mimics my listening habits and I've yet to own another speaker that comes close performance wise to the 40.1's, including stints with Dynaudio Confidence C2's, C4's, Daedalus Ulysses and Harbeth SHL5's with a REL sub.  Also consider many giving their opinions to your post have never owned 40.1's... or if they did, maybe their listening habits/musical tastes don't mirror yours.

There's always socks, foam, etc. that you could stuff in the ports in a pinch.  But I really don't think they'll overload, so long as you don't have them stuck in the corners.

That said, if you like the Spatials and liked the big Maggies on audition, no box speaker, however good, and the Harbeths are among the best, can do some things a planar/open baffle speaker.  On the other hand, they can do some things better.  You'll get a frisson from the 40.1's, but it won't necessarily be exactly the same as one from and 3.7i or a 20.7.

RE: the Harbeths... I’m trying them with a "lowly" ATI AT6012 SS amp right now, which is specifically designed for my Linkwitz Orions. And... as you might have guessed (if you know Harbeths)... the AT6012 is making them sound very much like the YouTube videos I referenced - greater tranparency, and clarity, with more controlled bass and mids. Still have the great Harbeth rich mids, but with greater detail and clarity, and less boomy base.  Though - I would note... I think the room treatments in those videos do a lot to achieve the sound you hear in those videos.  

So... it would seem... you can achieve the great sound in those YouTube videos... IF... you find the right SS amp to drive and control the Harbeths. My AR150SE may ultimately produce much the same sound (after full burn-in)... we’ll see. But, if you don’t want to have to wait for the burn in of a tube amp - I think you’ll be surprised at the great sound they can produce with the right SS amps. I’m guessing, the Hegels, the ATI’s, and the McIntosh MA252 or MA352 can all do that - just so long as the amp has a very "neutral" sound and lots of current and damping to clear up the bass and mids.

And... I’m sure... the Maggies with the right amps can produce as impressive a sound. I’ve got the Peter Gunn modded Maggie 1.6 Magnestands, which have a superb sound also - may have a bit more clarity and soundstage than the Harbeths. Despite the fact the Magnestands have much better bass and dynamics than the stock Maggies - the Harbeths may still best them in those areas, which when added to the rich mids of the Harbeths, may give the edge to the Harbeths - close, hard to say.
Thank you every one.  I missed that there is a page 2 so only see the comments now.

as suggested, I decided to have an audition first, but then I found out the seller is quite far away from me.  So, an audition is not preferred.  Eventually, I gave an offer and it is accepted.  So now, the fight between my left and right brain is done.  My emotion won.  =)

I will use with the Almorro for a while, until I sold my other gears.