Dear @musicfan2349 : "
what shape of stylus yields the best sound.."
the stylus shape is only one of several parts in the design and manufacture of a phono cartridge and per sé is important but not determinant in the overall cartridge quality level performance.
Exist several carrtridges with elliptical stylus shape that performs really good.
The build quality level in a cartridge is more important as it's too the analog rig that surrounds the cartridge and your ability to make the rigth overall cartridge/tonearm set up. The more advanced stylus shape needs a lot more effort and knowledge levels to make that set up in the rigth way where the cartridge can shows its real quality level performance .
Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
the stylus shape is only one of several parts in the design and manufacture of a phono cartridge and per sé is important but not determinant in the overall cartridge quality level performance.
Exist several carrtridges with elliptical stylus shape that performs really good.
The build quality level in a cartridge is more important as it's too the analog rig that surrounds the cartridge and your ability to make the rigth overall cartridge/tonearm set up. The more advanced stylus shape needs a lot more effort and knowledge levels to make that set up in the rigth way where the cartridge can shows its real quality level performance .
Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,