Damping Top of CDP

I just got a Music Hall CD25.2 for a second stereo system. With my other player, a Sony 222ES, I got a significant sound improvement by sticking a Bright Star Audio Little Rock 5 on top. I was thinking of doing the same for the Music Hall but wanted to consider less expensive alternatives.

Are those 3M sheets any good? How about that gel filled bag (Gutwire?) they sell at Music Direct? Any other suggestions?

Thanks in advance for any help.

Try scuba weight-belt weights. The two types I prefer are the loose lead in sealed bags or the solid lead that have a rubber-like coating. They are cheap and effective and I can't see that there is much difference between them and the audiophile stuff that costs much more.
I've used sand filled zip lock bags on top of my speakers with success. Also, just go to a gun shot and pick up a bag of lead. Another cheap tweak that will replace the feet on your player is to get the HVAC rubber/cork blocks. These are the same as what Mapleshade sells only for a lot lot less if you can find an HVAC dealer or supplier that has them.
An alternative is to try placing multiple smaller items on top of your Music Hall like lead shot filled Gumby action figures. If you pick something too heavy like that gi-mungous Golden Gate Bridge bolt Marco [Jax2] use to use it might over dampen the chassis and cause the sound to deaden. Using multiple smaller items allows you some adjustability. Just one Pokey might sound better than two Blockheads, or a Groov-Bee. Experiment!
I have used the Virmode.com "Virtual Mode De Bag!" successfully, and it only recently has been de-throned by the "Mini" Brilliant Pebbles from machinadynamica.com.
Both companies are quite independent-minded, and worth checking out for anyone who enjoys the joy of discovering a "tweak" that makes things sound better, not just different.
To get the full flavor of Virtual Mode's emphasis on being the most cost-effective source one must telephone for their full catalog.
Machina Dynamica is more into tweaks that border on the supernatural, and prices range from the most cost effective, up to the very most effective, regardless of price.
Don't forget the supporting structure/devices for your CDP box, which are available from Virtual Mode, Machina Dynamica, and many other sources, in a multitude of sizes, shapes, materials, and prices.
My little known "find" of a support product is Mi-Roller from Musical Industry at mihorn.com, which is one of the many competitors to the Aurios MIB (media isolation bearing), at a lower price point.
The choices are too numerous in the affordable price range to pick a single champion, but most seem to enhance the listening experience in one or more ways.