Stereophile complains it's readers are too informed.

I have been receiving stereophile magazine since the early 80s when they were the size of a Reader's Digest that was back in the day when they actually criticized expensive products that did not measure up so here I was read it an article about a $600,000 pair of magicals and at the end of the article it says you might want to buy a couple of subwoofers to go along with it ,you got to be kidding me. The article said that these were some of the greatest speakers out there and I'm thinking to myself for $600,000 it should  wash my car and do the dishes for me to hear them say that I might need to buy some subwoofers I I don't know if I'm from another planet or what that kind of money that's speaker better do everything
Kish, lots of people don’t want the responsibility of their own decisions. If they believe they chose poorly, some will try to place all blame at everyone’s feet other than their own. I see it in my business as well. Some take issue with reviews on products they, nor most of us, could never afford to own. For some it’s because of personal biases for, or against particular products, and we see examples of this behavior here in this forum. There are many who, rather than have a proper conversation of products, feel the need to demean others who do not see their points of view. Rather than be respectful of others ideas, and choices, some feel the need to put their opinions out there as the end of the story, and anything else is fiction. Those discussions aren’t so much a conversation as much as they are preachings. 
Reviews are most useful to me when I have another review or two of the exact same product, and when all reviewers strive to both be critical of what they actually hear while disclosing their own perspective and uses of the gear. The worst situation for me is when there is a stampede among reviewers to praise new gear, all without finding one single drawback.
It’s best to learn as much as you can about products. In the same issue they review some speakers Volti Razz. The reviewer waxes poetically while JA measures a ridiculously designed speaker whose FR looks like a drawing of the Rocky Mountains. In usual fashion JA tries to make the best of the situation talking about toe in and tube amps instead of letting the measurements speak for themselves. I agree with the OP a number of years ago I would have no idea what the graphs were showing me, get informed.