Stereophile complains it's readers are too informed.

Reviews are most useful to me when I have another review or two of the exact same product, and when all reviewers strive to both be critical of what they actually hear while disclosing their own perspective and uses of the gear. The worst situation for me is when there is a stampede among reviewers to praise new gear, all without finding one single drawback.
It’s best to learn as much as you can about products. In the same issue they review some speakers Volti Razz. The reviewer waxes poetically while JA measures a ridiculously designed speaker whose FR looks like a drawing of the Rocky Mountains. In usual fashion JA tries to make the best of the situation talking about toe in and tube amps instead of letting the measurements speak for themselves. I agree with the OP a number of years ago I would have no idea what the graphs were showing me, get informed.
Well boohoo writers should be held accountable for their statements and claims. Bias and BS vs Truth. People should be informed and challenge these writers who are slanted towards those companies and praise equipment they shouldnt be
What really incensed me about this article is that they want to wear the mantle of knowing what good speaker design is by invoking Toole and others, but past articles clearly show they have no clue.

A great example of this was the Crystal Minissimo diamond. I was so angry I wrote a blog post about it:

The speaker was deliberately designed for close to wall placement. The measurements show it lacks a baffle step compensation, EXACTLY the way you design a speaker for wall/bookshelf placement.  This yields a neutral speaker with elevated sensitivity than youd' get otherwise.  JA measures all this, writes a half page review, where he notes he could not place the speakers as designed, and then complains they have a deliberately "tailored" treble.

Especially since JA has a penchant for a specific non-neutral treble curve.

Basically everything in this article is proven false. Not only do they not know what a good speaker is, nor do they take the intentions of the speaker designer to heart while listening. It is very hard not to read this article is a disingenuous attempt to cover their lack of either knowledge or impartiality. Pick all that apply.