How to judge an amplifier's performance with a "powered-woofer" speaker?

Hello, I can't seem to find a definitive answer.  Nowadays,many speakers are made with a built-in woofer amplifier. Vandersteens, Martin-Logans , Von Schweikert,etc.
How will your amplifier affect the tonality or dynamics of this type of speaker?
What type of influence will your amp have on the bottom end? Will your million-watt amp be zeroed out by the speaker amp? 

Interestingly, I was reading a review of the Parasound JC1+ Mono's paired with Von Schweikert Audio VR-55 Aktives, and the reviewer raved about the powerful ,deep bass of the JC's. But wait! The speakers have a 525 watt amp driving the woofer!!! Does the 450 watt JC trump the 525 watt speaker amp??
If you are going to review an amplifier wouldn't you get a "truer" report by using traditional speakers?

====How does your amplifier and a powered speaker interact? Who does the heavy lifting?====

Thanks for your time.


MIKEPAUL that tells you all you need to know about all audio magazine reviewer not about audio but money
ALL speakers (with/without bass amplification) holistically respond to amp changes, and they are typically immediately discernible. See for yourself. Powered bass readily responds to speaker cable changes and power cord changes. Ditto for subwoofers. 

The Legacy Audio Valor Speaker System I reviewed for, with its internal bass and subwoofer amplification, responded just as any passive speaker would to amp changes on the mid/treble. 
Even if  the change is to the midrange on up, the entire speaker will sound distinctly different due to the change in interaction between the drivers. The relative strength of the bass, it's tonality, dynamic power, etc. relative to the mid and treble has changed. 

This thread is fine evidence of the hubris of readers who default to distrust of reviewers, thinking they know better. Well, in the majority of cases, you don't.  :)

Judging an amp with any speaker that includes a powered sub Is like judging a tag team not the individual wrassler. 
I have no interest in the particular review or reviewer,  but in general  another aspect to be discussed with powered bass is the signal cable and power cords. Many never maximize their speaker due to being too arrogant,  lazy, or chintzy ( or all 3) regarding those cables.

Once or twice I tried to get powered model and passive model for side by side comparison,  but manufacturer was unwilling.
I think that the OP brings up a great point in that you dont necessarily get as good an indication of the true amplifier total response with a speaker with a powered woofer. A good scenario would be if you were using an impedance sensitive amplifier like an OTL.