Harbeth 30.1 or 40.1

I would like to get a pair of Harbeth, and wondering if 30.1 or 40.1 is better.  My room size is about 18’ x 16’.  I currently have a pair of Spatial Audio X5 with large 12” mid range driver.  I would say I listen in low to low-medium volume for Jazz and vocals.  Is 40.1 too big for my area?  I am afraid if I am not listening to what it is supposed to sound like if I don’t turn up the volume.

however, if I buy the 30.1, is that I should get a pair of sub?  Versus for 40.1, I assumed I don’t need subs?
M30 is my least favorite Harbeth--by far. It does not have the same magic that their other models possess.

Same here. The M30 and 30.1 series are my least favorite as well. SHL5 Plus is a much better balanced speaker.
@ pdreher

Agreed - My experiences with the 30.1’s and the 40.2’s are similar to yours - especially with a good SS amp that brings out the best in the Harbeths.

I did consider the SHL5+ with the Rel subs - but, decided the 30.1’s or 40.2’s with the Hegel H590 Integrated SS amp - sounds better to me - much richer, organic sound, while having a very clear, detailed and transparent sound brought out by the SS amp.

Though, if I were going to use a lesser SS amp or tube amp... I’d prolly... prefer the SHL5+.
Shl5 (not the plus) or 7.
Find a ML 383 integrated and you are on your way to Music haven. 
I finally received the 40.1 yesterday and had a brief session.  The first impression is that, compared to the Spatial Audio X5, it has much more bass, including mid bass, despite that the X5 has an active subwoofer!  The X5 sounds a bit more live like, probably because of the open baffle design.  The X5 also sounds brighter with more detail.  It is both good and bad.  For some recordings, it can sound fatiguing.  The Harbeth is more warm, and does not sound harsh for those records that sound a bit harsh on the X5.  There are always trade offs.  
Back to the amp, the Almarro can drive it to my normal listening level without problem.  The volume knob is between 10-11 o’clock position.  Even my 300B amp can drive it no problem.

As you know, I never know what I missed until I try it.  But I don’t need louder, I am looking for better sound.  I think people say the bass will be improved with an amp with more power?  What about adding a preamp?  My 300B is custom built.  The schematic is originally a power amp, and I ask the builder to add two volume knobs.  So, if I use it what it originally design as, I can add a preamp.  Which way do you think will give better music?  Buying the 60W, hybrid, McIntosh MA252, or add a Supratek/Coincident preamp to my 300B?
Before buying more equipment trying different tubes,cables, and speaker positions will change the sound radically with Harbeths.Giving yourself some time to optimize what you already have to work with will make it clear exactly where a change is needed.Congrats on your new speakers!