Joseph Audio Perspective2 vs Perspective

Anyone got a chance to compare the two? I've heard the Perspective2s which IMO are the best speakers I have heard. However, they are over my budget. Maybe I can get a used pair of the originals but don't know how much different they are.

My brother, a musician who loves coming over to listen to my system, has listened to every speaker I’ve ever owned. He was shocked by the Perspectives. Said it was probably the most amazing sound he’s heard in my room.

I’ve owned many excellent speakers and have chosen them for aspects that they do really well. So I’m not in the camp of having an "end game" speaker. No matter what speaker I get, after a while I can recognize things that another speaker I own does perhaps better.

But the Joseph speakers are a very hard to find combination: world class detail and transparency and airness, but smooth and grainless, eerily accurate tonality, killer imaging and soundstaging, sound bigger than they are, and they are also FUN.They don’t just produce that audiophile-approved sound that is so tight-fisted it only occurs behind the speakers like watching a movie. The richness of the upper and lower bass reach out and grab you, to engage you in the music.

I’ve been listening to my Thiel 2.7s for a while now with the Josephs side-lined (because I like to switch between speakers). The Theils are slightly richer, thicker sounding, and have some more density to the sound top to bottom. I absolutely love the Thiels. And they boogie quite well too. But I also can find myself missing the fun-factor, the feel-the-bass drum impact, of the Joseph speakers. Which means the Joseph speakers will probably be going back in to the system soon :-)
@prof  Can I know what are the sonic differences between perspectives and perspectives2? Thanks!

mr tiger...

Sorry, but it's been quite a while since I auditioned the Perspective 2s.I believe I noted a slightly more nuanced and clear midrange, but hard to tell without a direct comparison.   The bass is supposed to be one of the biggest areas of improvement, however the dealer had the speakers too close to the back wall making their sound way overblown and boomy, so it was hard to tell.
I've never compared the two models, but JA did in his review of the Perspective 2s. He noted that the treble on the originals was tipped up which could make them sound bright. He thought the updated model was better balanced. His measurements confirmed that the newer models have less high-frequency output.
Interesting that some of us Joseph Audio fans are also fans of Harbeth.Both brands have a "rightness" and believability in timbre and tone, yet at the same time have quite different "sound" or presentations.

These two speakers are at the top of my list (along with Vandersteens, which I've never heard). I've auditioned the Pulsar2 but not the Perspectives. I hope to do some more listening, once the world returns to a bit more normalcy.

I'm wondering if someone can compare those different "sounds," those presentations, between JA and Harbeth speakers.  Thanks!