For those of you who have Piega speakers...

What kind of gear are you powering them with?

How would you characterize the sound?

What gear were they allergic to and why?

Any info would be welcome!
Sorry for the sparse negative response above - that was not really justified.
My personal choice is really not for ribbon tweeters overall, as I can alway
detect a lack of coherence (in terms of detail, texture, imaging) across the
crossover region. The only ribbon tweeter I can fully live is the one in the
Verity Sarastro.

I would prefer solids state amps with the Piega (Karan, Pass), also Class A
amps. I find tubes tend to exaggerate the differences between the standard
drivers and the ribbons. Also the bass drivers in the Piega really do need the
control of a well-damped good solid state amp. The ones I heard are P8 and
I am running a pair of Piega C3 LTD with Viva Solista Lt, a 18w tube integrated from italy. I enjoy the sound a lot. I think it has the best tweeter I have ever heard.

I am also curious about what other amps (ss or tube) could make Piega sing? Ayre, Accuphase, Pass?
I have the C-10 ltd. Great speaker! I love ribbons (having owned Apogees, Genesis and Selah line arrays) and the Piega ribbons are some of the finest out there. Very natural, open and airy sound, neutral, transparent and fast. Strings sing. The coaxial planar ribbon mid/ tweeter is very coherent to these ears. Voices are extraordinary.

Yes, the Piegas like power and current. I've had best results with modified Tact amps and the Aloia (not a lot of watts but decent current and a great synergy). They need some space or absorption to the sides, in which case they don't sound bright, just lots of natural detail and superb detail.
I have C8s and AP3s.

Components that work for me: Pass X150.5, Audience AU24 speaker cable, Cardas Neutral Reference (although a little muddy in the mid bass)

Components that don't work for me: Nordost Heimdall speaker cable (although I love them and the Frey as interconnects).
On my C8 LTDs I've tried both Canary 160s and the VAC Phi Beta integrated. Both amps sounded amazing. I'm guessing VTLs would work well too.