Some 244 or 242 panels above your speakers will help a little bit.
Your issue is that you are sensitive to overly bright speakers. If you go dyns, try to get something with the esotar tweeter, not the esotec. I’m not sure that you have enough power to make the dyns sing though.
The Carbon 7’s you’ve been listening to have a nice Scan Speak air circ soft dome tweeter. It will probably be on par with just about any other soft domes out there.
The BE tweeter is going to offer up lots more detail without being harsh or overly bright. I’m very similar in that I can not stand hard domes but at the same time I love Beryllium.
I would even go so far as to say that if you do end up not liking the salks, which I highly doubt, the Fritz Carrera BE’s may be your ticket. They will play very nicely with your tubes and they have an awesome, natural organic sound with great air and detail up top.
Something to take into consideration, and something that others here are more knowledgeable about than I, when an impedance curve drops dowm from 8 ohms to 4 ohms, if your amp doesn’t double down in power (100 watts at 8 ohms, 200 watts at 4 ohms), it will make the speaker sound bright.
Honestly, the Fritz Carreras are probably the best speakers for your tastes. If you aren’t smitten with the Salks, have Fritz send you a pair of Carreras.
Lastly, you really should strap on some headphones and google frequency sweeps. Check your hearing to see whats going on. Doing that was a real eye, er, ear opener for me. The sweep should stay the same volume and centered throughout the range. For me, I have hearing loss in my right ear through a certain range but I am also highly sensitive to 2khz, 6khz and 10khz with no hearing above 15khz.
I remember when we first started talking months ago that I had recommended that you check out Monitor Audio Golds with the ribbon tweeters. I think that might be something else you look at. They are very detailed while being laid back as well. They are beautiful and built extremely well too. Theres some gold gx 200’s in parker for sale on C-list. Maybe you can arrange an audition.
I really think though that they soft domes aren’t going to get you the detail that you are after. You will need to go Beryllium, amt, ribbon or planar. The nice thing about ribbon and planar is that the limited vertical dispersion will actually be beneficial for you with your lower ceilings.
Your issue is that you are sensitive to overly bright speakers. If you go dyns, try to get something with the esotar tweeter, not the esotec. I’m not sure that you have enough power to make the dyns sing though.
The Carbon 7’s you’ve been listening to have a nice Scan Speak air circ soft dome tweeter. It will probably be on par with just about any other soft domes out there.
The BE tweeter is going to offer up lots more detail without being harsh or overly bright. I’m very similar in that I can not stand hard domes but at the same time I love Beryllium.
I would even go so far as to say that if you do end up not liking the salks, which I highly doubt, the Fritz Carrera BE’s may be your ticket. They will play very nicely with your tubes and they have an awesome, natural organic sound with great air and detail up top.
Something to take into consideration, and something that others here are more knowledgeable about than I, when an impedance curve drops dowm from 8 ohms to 4 ohms, if your amp doesn’t double down in power (100 watts at 8 ohms, 200 watts at 4 ohms), it will make the speaker sound bright.
Honestly, the Fritz Carreras are probably the best speakers for your tastes. If you aren’t smitten with the Salks, have Fritz send you a pair of Carreras.
Lastly, you really should strap on some headphones and google frequency sweeps. Check your hearing to see whats going on. Doing that was a real eye, er, ear opener for me. The sweep should stay the same volume and centered throughout the range. For me, I have hearing loss in my right ear through a certain range but I am also highly sensitive to 2khz, 6khz and 10khz with no hearing above 15khz.
I remember when we first started talking months ago that I had recommended that you check out Monitor Audio Golds with the ribbon tweeters. I think that might be something else you look at. They are very detailed while being laid back as well. They are beautiful and built extremely well too. Theres some gold gx 200’s in parker for sale on C-list. Maybe you can arrange an audition.
I really think though that they soft domes aren’t going to get you the detail that you are after. You will need to go Beryllium, amt, ribbon or planar. The nice thing about ribbon and planar is that the limited vertical dispersion will actually be beneficial for you with your lower ceilings.