8 track tape vs 1st press vinyl

Sam here and the fact that 8 track tape is a tape to tape transfer from the master reel to reel tape gives it the edge as far as overall tone and soundstage although vinyl has a wider stereo image it sounds more 2d than 8track 3d soundstage in my opinion. 
Ever have homemade 8-track?
Marginally better SQ. Rare recorders.
The big problem was the splicing tape always let go. Making the recordings more fragile than shellac 78s.
I think my dad had an 8 track recorder.  I think it was tossed into the attic after a couple months.
Sam here and i'm not saying 8 track was as dependable as cassette or vinyl however to my ears it sounded more organic and natural like you were live in the studio the drums for sure sounded alive that is why i use 8 track frequencies to apply to digital and the digital just comes alive.
Guitarsam, I like how you roll. Job well done. I will never forget the nostalgia of being young and stupid while listening to my 8Ts in my Pacer. In retrospect, what a sweet appreciation for that time in my life.  No one could make the argument that 8Ts were better than just about anything available now but it sure was a lot of fun.
I remember that cassettes came in different formulations in order to extend their frequency response . Plus cassette players were design in order to take advantage of this plus dolby got into it to lower signal to noise ratio with dolby b and c .