The Best Isolation/ Vibration Footers per component - what's your experience?

Hi everyone,

There are probably a dozen of threads out there on Isolation/ Vibration footers out there, but there hasn't been thus far one been that combines the following two assumptions:

1. Isolation/ Vibration effectiveness differs per type of component (from source to speaker).
2. The above with Most Popular brands available as per July 2020.

Some of the most recognised brands thus far:
  • Arya Audio
  • Artesania Audio
  • Aurios
  • Black Diamond Racing
  • Critical Mass Systems
  • Gingko
  • Harmonic Resolution Systems
  • Harmonix
  • Iso-Acoustics
  • Shun Mook
  • Silent Running Audio
  • Star Sound Technologies
  • Stillpoints
  • Symposium
  • Townshend

The reason for starting this thread is that in the past few months I have been reading that the Critical Mass Centerstage 2 footers are beating all or most of the above solutions from the other named brands. However, it seems that the Arya Audio Revopods are also beating most of the brands in some high-end select forums and groups as well. 

Do you use and or have/ had any experience with the above and where did you place them and why?

Here is my setup currently.

1. Source/ Network player: Star Sound Technologies Sistrum platform
2. Pre-Amp: No footer yet (Artesania Audio rack)
3. Amplifier: No footer yet (Artesania Audio rack)
4. Power conditioner: Harmonic Resolution Systems Nimbus & HRS platform footers
5. Power supplies for source: Stillpoints
6. Router: Stillpoints
7. Speakers: Stillpoints

I found out that this works the best in my system, but would like to know your experience as I found that using these footers and their effectiveness really depends on the component. Specifically, I would like to hear your experience with Arya Audio and Centerstage 2 footers?
I've experimented with several...Symposium Roller Block Jr, Rollerblock 2 +, Ingress Engineering (Canada), Voo Doo Iso Blocks, Still Points and Synergistic Research MIG's. All components on 2" or 3" solid maple racks or stands, all with Symposium Svelte Shelf Plus under everything including Ethernet switches and LPS. I found the Svelte Shelves to be a must....otherwise HF in my small listening room got way too "hot"'s what I found....I love what the Stillpoints do under my pre amp and LPS, under amps and sources too much of a good thing. I ended up with Ingress Eng. RollerBlock 2's (open faced) under monoblocks (detailed, great bass and smooth), Ingress Eng RollerBlocks (top & bottom piece) under REL Subs, Symposium Rollerblock JR under streamer and SR MIGs under both SR PowerCells. I tried all styles under all pieces and this combo game me the best detail, focus and largest most open soundstage yet with great tonal density and musicality. It's easy to swap out any footer and hear the difference.  Good stuff!

Great sharing!

I have found similar results to yours.

  • I also found that the Stillpoints works best under the LPS. I haven't tried the pre-amp yet, but will do. I tried the amps and sources, with Stillpoints, but it sounded very forward and not real, there was no music anymore.
  • All components on 2" or 3" solid maple racks or stands, all with Symposium Svelte Shelf Plus under everything including Ethernet switches and LPS. >>> How do you this? You mean you have a Maple rack and on top of this you put a Symposium shelf as well? So, maple>symposium>equipment? Any pictures?
@vinylvalet , thanks for the EVP recommendation. Surprisingly, I have not heard of them before now and a search of these forums did not give me many responses. Interesting that they use (fiber) glass and rubber, which are typically not considered optimal for damping or isolation, and that they don’t discuss any differences between rubber or felt facing other than being able to slide one but not the other. I am impressed that they have actually measured the performance of their footers and that they have a white paper. I also appreciate the guidance on how these respond to different weights of equipment, similar to Herbies, Stillpoints, SRA, and other isolation/damping products. I suspect they would work well to isolate large speakers or subs that are supported on suspended wood floors. If I were starting over, I would give them a try.
You're welcome Mitch. I heard of them initially from Jim Smith of Get Better Sound, one of the best ears and setup guy on the planet. He uses them under all his components (at least, last time I visited with him) but was particularly impressed with the 4" square models under his subwoofers. He said, "“I was frankly amazed – especially at the huge improvement from my REL 212 SE subs. Countless audiophiles said that the bass here was the best, most natural they ever heard” That's serious praise from a guy who can get pretty much anything he wants.
You're absolutely correct about suspended wood floors. I never understood why on earth anyone would couple speakers or subs to a large diaphragm. A friend of mine in Little Rock had exactly the same situation with large, expensive ProAC speakers with a mega Naim system. Going from direct coupling to the 4" HD EVPs under the ProAcs was a game changer. Icing on the cake was that when he played music loud, it was less annoying for his wife since the sound level was decreased significantly in the rest of the house; all that energy was no longer coupled into the structure. There is still an improvement on on concrete slabs but to a much lesser extent. I also like the value proposition; much less expensive than the shiny stuff. The only product that I've compared these with are Herbies, a noticeable improvement. With that said, in certain applications, Herbies Tenderfeet are a super value, especially for those on a very limited budget.
I just ordered a set of Revopods to try under my turntable. I'll circle back and let everyone know how it goes.
@vinylvalet , I suspect the differences between Herbies products and EVP would be less for lower weight components and would also depend on the rack/platform the component sits on.  I use a variety of aftermarket footers from Herbies, edenSound, and Stillpoint, and my components all sit on Zoethecus Z-slabs supported in a heavily braced wood cabinet, except for my 70-pound amps that are each supported on a purpose-calibrated SRA Ohio-Class XL+² isoBASE™ over a low profile heavy Sound Anchor stand spiked to the underlying concrete floor. 
My two heavy subwoofers are also supported on Sound Anchor stands that are spiked to the concrete floor, but I would be interested in hearing any differences that might result from using the EVP footers under the subs.  I suppose I could sit them directly on the carpet over the concrete.  Unfortunately, $105 x 4 per sub seems a bit steep when what I am using seems to work just fine now.