unbeatable Class A integrated

Is there any unbeatable class A SS integrated amplifier under 15K?

If you like tubes and have efficient speakers, then take a look at Viva Solistino  IA. This IA has 18W pure class A, it's a very fine piece.
Thank you, I’m learning a lot!

Is there any of these SS amps that sounds close to a 2a3 tube amp?
I have a small room, high sensitive speakers and I like low volume.
The tubes are banned until my daughter grows up. :___)
SS amps that sounds close to a 2a3 tube amp

Probably a used Pass Labs Cl;ass-A Aleph, but they are room heaters.

Cheers George
“Is there any of these SS amps that sounds close to a 2a3 tube amp?”

Look into Accuphase amp or Integrated, they are that good!
My advice is to stick with the well known brands that have been in business for a long while and that have big time R&D behind them: Gryphon, Luxman, Accuphase, Constellation, Levinson, McIntosh, Pass, Ayre and Esoteric. 

I own two Luxman integrateds at the moment and one Esoteric SACD player.  And they sound great and look good too.  I've never had a problem with them.  I've owned Ayre in the past and it was a quality piece.  

If you can demo any of these, that would be ideal.  Maybe there is a dealer near to you that can lend you one for the weekend or something. I've done that before with my local dealer.  That's how I got to try out a Sutherland Little Loco, before deciding to purchase.