SR Blue Fuses

I just wanted to share my excitement with my SR Blue Fuses. I installed 3 in my Anthem I225. Its been probably 100 hours of burn in time now and I really am beside myself in the difference. The bass is really full, my highs are nicely extended and my soundstage is huge. Just today, my soundstage became ridiculous.
If you are happy with your current amplifier / preamplifier and intend on keeping it for awhile I highly recommend replacing the fuses with SR Blue fuses, if not the Orange fuses. I got my Blues for 30% off. It is quite possibly the best tweak I have done aside from room treatments.

It takes awhile to burn the fuses in but once they are, it’s pretty awesome the difference they make. I was pretty skeptical about this mod and thought it was a lot to spend but now that I have, it was the best $400 mod I have done. It made more of a difference than my upgraded power cords and actually probably made a more of a difference than going from my signal cable silver res speaker cables to my ap solo crystals.

Highly recommended if you already love your amp/preamp and intend to keep them for awhile!
And here we go, wondered when the "SR snake oil" band wagon would start a rolling again
Substitute "naysayer" for "SR band wagon" and you'll see a perfect example of projection. The very first response left no doubt about wondering when it would happen.

All the best,

As various knowledgeable folks here have suggested when the topic comes up over the years, it’s a no-brainer for anyone to first try to just reseat the existing fuse or if need be replaced first try a new good quality standard issue fuse like Littlefuse or others that will not set you back much to try before dropping big bucks on anything else. Then if you hear a difference you can more reliably associate it with the reason.

I’ve reseated or replaced many fuses for myself or others....that alone can make the difference.
I have 3 suspension bridges to sell if any of you gullible are interested.  
As various knowledgeable folks here have suggested when the topic comes up over the years, it’s a no-brainer for anyone to first try to just reseat the existing fuse or if need be replaced first try a new good quality standard issue fuse like Littlefuse or others that will not set you back much to try before dropping big bucks on anything else. Then if you hear a difference you can more reliably associate it with the reason.

I’ve reseated or replaced many fuses for myself or others....that alone can make the difference.

Which is exactly why the first thing I did when I got my first Blue Fuse was to pull the factory fuse, clean the fuse and holder, and replace it. No difference. Why would there be? Only if it was dirty. Which it was not.  

Then the Blue Fuse went in. Obvious huge difference. Also- read my review- also obviously wrong. Within minutes it was clear the Fuse was in the wrong way. It sounded better but not right. Flipped around, wow, much better! 

Its simply no contest. Not only easy to hear the difference the Fuse makes, easy to hear the difference the direction of the fuse makes. People posting derisive comments should stop being disingenuous and openly declare they have never tried these things and therefore have no idea what they're talking about. Now that would be fun to see.

I know. Dream on.

MC I did the same with a Synergistic Red fuse given to me to try in my Audio Research pre-amp after reading a lot of hype about that one at the time.

Little or no difference. Nothing I could bank on. It’s sitting out now as a spare if needed.

Maybe if I paid money for it, it would still be in there, but I prefer the one I have which at least I know will do the job of a fuse properly. How do I know? It came from the vendor. Also I can see the innards and that it is a very well constructed. Likely a slow-blow which helps but not sure.

Maybe I will dissect the Red Fuse someday to see what is in there.   It's hidden from sight otherwise.

Of course every case could be different.

But it is not smart to just drop big bucks on a fuse, especially one where limited information on how it works and what exactly makes it better is made available, without making sure to cross one’s I’s and dot one’s T’s first.

Maybe if the money does not matter which may well be the case with some.

That’s all.