What's your "diminishing returns" preamp choice?

What preamp would you consider is at the point of diminishing returns for you? I realize this is a vague and subjective question, but I think it will be interesting to hear the answers.

Of course, a $10,000 preamp will (probably) sound better than a $1,000 preamp but everyone has a different point at which they feel they have spent enough money. In some cases, one may feel that there isn't a significant difference between a $2k piece and a $10k piece to justify such a purchase.

I've noticed that there are some gems in the audio world that defy their price point. For instance, Apogee Centaurs, Halfer 9505 etc. I've always found such pieces fascinating.
I've seen $2000 preamps take $13,000 preamps and eat them for breakfast- better in every way.
Tell us more please @
I’m not sure, how much is a CAT?

I ask this because I've heard different but never have I heard better.
@gochuchgo There are a number of single-ended 6SN7-based line stages I've seen that do the job.
For me it will be CH L1+X1 paired with Mephisto stereo coming winter.Life's too short lol.
I love my Rogue Audio RH5 Linestage and headphone amp.  At $2500 without phono stage it uses two 12au7 tubes, massive power supply transformers, 3 gain settings (really nice feature), balanced output and one balanced input/ 3 single ended inputs.  it is also a world class headphone amp ( dont use it though ).  
stereophile class A, super clear, refined and dynamic sound.