can i recreate the sound of vinyl by encoding the vinyl frequencies onto digital audio?

Sam here and if all audio is made up of frequencies and i extract the frequencies from a 1st press vinyl album known for it's audiophile sound quality like pink floyd dark side of the moon or miles davis kind of blue and encode those frequencies onto digital audio will the digital audio now take on all the sound charactoristics of the 1st press vinyl including not sounding like digital audio anymore? of course it's not going to be indentical in sound however the overall sound texture that made  the vinyl stand out will now be present and noticable on the digital version. here are the audio samples from my experiment you can decide which sample had the vinyl frequencies applied.

pink floyd - meddle album - st.tropez - u.k harvest 1st press vinyl 24/96 (1971)

nick leng - lemons 2020:

nick leng - lemons 2020:

click here for the answer
Your logic doesn't make sense.  
You're modifying a digital audio signal to sound more subjectively favorable to you, but then you "assume" your getting closer to vinyl AND you can't even compare/test to the sound of vinyl.  What's your "assumption" based on?  If it's based on gut feeling, then I don't believe it should be presented as a fact.

I feel for you - I foolishly allowed myself to get sucked into a cable naysayer discussion
I give up too and will be going back to the (turn)table and put on some records, wondering what the hell went wrong here......

Sam here and ericvmp9 seems to be the only person who gets it when he
said "Sam, I got it right off the bat The vinyl has more crosstalk which I like"
so in ericvmp9 opinion i made digital audio sound like vinyl by applying the frequencies. More proof that i struck audio gold i now need to line up a manufacturer to get this to the people.

Hello guitarsam.  Are you related to Guitar George?  If so I understand a cheap guitar is all you can afford.  Do you know all the chords?  Do you like to make it cry or sing?

If your guitars are better than Fenders and Gibsons, why don't you build them for resale.  Could sell for more than Fenders and Gibsons and get rich.  So why not line up a manufacturer to get it to the people!

A digital hater believes that when you record AAA vinyl to digital the digits somehow add a virus that destroys the authenticity of the performance.  This occurs regardless of the sampling and bit rates used, so perhaps the DA converter or the clock is doing this evil deed.  Once added this virus cannot be removed or reversed.  So if you cut an LP from the digital signal the virus will infect the LP.

Digital lovers don't believe this.  They believe that at high enough sampling and bit rates the digital sound will approximate extremely closely to the analogue curve beyond the ability of the ear to distinguish and that it's possible to design perfect clocks and DA converters.

clearthinker your post is anything but clear? All the major guitar manufacturers deliver the same mass produced crap and then put jimmy page or eric clapton on the headstock and charge $$$$ the george harrison rosewood fender telecaster retails for $9000 and for that you get an american standard tele that retails for $600? lt's no longer about tone and playability rather convincing the public that there brand name is worth more than the guitar itself.